Operation Tonga project



Allright here goes:

In my 'hello' thread, Fredrocker suggested me to make a 1000x1000 scale map of Le Bas de Ranville, a small village south of the two bridges over the Caen Canal and the Orne, later known as the Horsa and Pegasus bridges. If i understand correctly, the plan was for the 6th Airborne Division to deploy it's 3rd and 5th parachutist brigade to Normandy, along with as many anti-tank guns as possible brought in by glider. Once landed, it was to make battle-ready as soon as possible and capture the two bridges in a swift manner, and to dig in against any counterattacks.
Little problem was that the bridges were rigged with explosives, so they chose to send each bridge half a dozen gliders, almost right on top of them, and take the garrison by surprise. It actually worked too, they set down a stones throw away, poured out of their gliders like a swarm of angry ticks and managed to conquer the bridges.

This operation was to be carried out by the 5th brigade of the 6th Airborne Division, and in more detail, it was the 12th Yorkshire and 13th Lancashire Batallions that were to capture Ranville and Bas de Ranville and hold it. (little wikipedia snippet now)These were line infantry converted to parachute duties,[13] and had to undergo airborne forces selection and training at the Airborne Forces Deport.[14][nb 2] On formation, each battalion had an establishment of 556 men in three rifle companies; the companies were divided into a small headquarters and three platoons. Each platoon had three Bren machine guns and three 2-inch mortars, one of each per section.[16] The only heavy weapons in the battalions were a 3 inch mortar platoon and a Vickers machine gun platoon.[17] By 1944 a headquarters or support company was added to the battalion, comprising five platoons: motor transport, signals, mortar, machine-gun and anti-tank. This company had eight 3 inch mortars, four Vickers machine guns, and ten PIAT anti-tank projectors.[16]
Despite my efforts I could not find out exactly which batallion held Ranville and which one had the slightly more southern line just south of Ranville(bas de ranville). I'm going to make a guess that it was the 12th Yorkshire batallion unless someone else can clarify it for me.

So I have a number of problems before I make this:
1. Which was it that held the south of Bas de Ranville(perhaps even both, so which one do I include in the scenario?)
2. I do not have a map of the lay of the land, only a little dot where the town is, which gives nil topographical information to base the scenario map on, current day google earth will not show how it looked back then, and I can't find an older map, just this (http://www.pegasusarchive.org/normandy/Photos/Map_Tonga.htm)
3. What German unit did they go up against? The batallions held for weeks before being releaved(mad props!) and all it says is they took constant artillery and mortar fire and sporadic infantry assaults. What was the name of the German units they encountered?
4. The game does not feature British units yet so it'd have to wait for the Commonwealth pack, or shall I be a history heretic and put the Americans as the 5th brigade?

't Is a fascinating operation to be sure, and if I actually decide to make this I want to be able to do justice to it. My chief concern is just not knowing how the south side of that town looked, terrain wise. Wish there was a good, old map. :)

Anyhow just some ramblings off the top of my head, maybe I'll decide that I wouldn't be able to do justice to it and call it a day, but it's worth brainstorming on.

Red devils!
Here some pictures and links, not sure if it helps or provide the information your looking for, kimmy


Oh wow thank you you're amazing, that's so much info. Ok I don't know the exact German unit yet but they were probably a mix of Osttruppen, Grenadiers and Falschirmjagers. The problem with most pictures is that they obsess on the two bridges rather than the slightly more southern Bas de Ranville. The big black and white air photo however gives a good shot of Ranville itself, so I might just use that. It looks like a tactically interesting map that could end up pretty balanced.

Thanks again!
Hi Kimmy.... I am in the process of makiing a campaign for CMBN for the Commonwealth module when it is released... It is called Shimi's March and entails the forst three days (June 6-9) of the 1st Special Services Brigade (Mostly Command 3 and Commando 4).... I have the Pegasa Bridge map almost done... I was wondering if you would like to get involved with this... The final product will be along the lines of Sie Kommen II with an Allied campaign, and Axis campaign, and a Battlepack for H2H play....

Here is a list of the battles

1. Ham and Jam
2. Landings at La Breche
3. Skirmish at Colleville
4. The Road to Benouville
5. Pegasus Crossing
6. Ranville Ab HQ
7. High Ground Amfreville
8. Le Bas de Ranville
9. Breville-les-Monts
10. Hold the Line
11. Ridges of Le Plein

I have a ton of research info and can even supply maps to aid in map creation... see below

EDIT- BTW those squares on the map are to scale with CMBN... I have an overlay for 50m and 100m google maps...

Well you get the idea... let me know if you want to be involved... and that goes for anyone else in the club toooo... :)

I am also working on a project that will be a Domination Style game with hex battles being fought over chosen maps and scenarios that have been created in the community... This is still in the early design stage...
Yeah doing Bas de Ranville sounds like fun. I can imagine you'd want to place the troops yourself as you're more knowledgable on them, so if you give me a map of Bas de Ranville I can make just the terrain-map to save you some effort :)
Yeah doing Bas de Ranville sounds like fun. I can imagine you'd want to place the troops yourself as you're more knowledgable on them, so if you give me a map of Bas de Ranville I can make just the terrain-map to save you some effort :)
I can do that... but your more then welcome to do the whole battle yourself... I can supply you with the 'core' file once the module comes out.....

Will get the map off to you later today... working on a secret project for FGM right now... :)
Super double secret for FGM, sounds like Animal House to me....LOL
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