1.60 Update


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
Republic of Texas
I have to say, I really really like the visual overhaul that came with the new update. Everything looks much more life like with the new environmental rendering.
Atmospherics, new clouds and lighting.


The new shoreline effects look great and more true to life. Gone is the old Arma 2 style shoreline. I like that they changed the tone of the sand texture to a lighter shade as well.

What is everyone else's thoughts?
None that I could really tell. Getting 40-60 fps depending where I'm at on the island. My settings are on Ultra (except water reflections, which are Standard) with a 6 km view distance, 3 km render distance. I was seeing those same numbers pre patch as well.

@Gnarly Time for an upgrade then, eh? ;)
6 km view distance? o_O I had a crack at it last night and it looks really nice, somehow 'cleaner.' Just a warning that there are big CUP terrain updates next time you log into SixUpdater.

Anyone know what's up with the SP campaign? I heard they were combining the three episodes into one. Have they already done that or is that part of Apex? Never finished the campaign and was thinking of taking another stab at it. Friendly AI order giving drove me nuts.
Haha, 6 km view distance isn't that bad at all. What really clogs you up is the draw or render distance, the distance at which all the buildings, trees, etc. pop in. Heck, I had a 6 km view distance on my old comp (Q9550, 8 GB RAM, 2GB Radeon 6950). However, I had the draw distance set at 1.5ish-2 km to keep it playable, and all the texture settings, etc. were at Standard or Low. Did that for two reasons, really. First, 6 km is the minimum you want for flying around, especially in the jets. Second, the game looks so much better when you can look out across the island and see a lot of terrain features. It looks awesome. I never get tired of coming up on the edge of the northwestern Altis hills and looking out over the coastal plain stretching below. Playing in the default 3 km vd, 3 km dd was like playing in a claustrophobic sardine can. Give it a try!

Yep, they rolled the campaign all into one in this update. I only made it about halfway through it my first time. Agree baby sitting the AI is a pain. I was a pro at it in OFP, but haven't had the patience to sit down and relearn all the commands again :D.
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