16th August, Sunday OP 13:30 BST (12:30 GMT/UTC)


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Mission Overview

Cougar Company has secured the area south of the Sauga Jögi river and placed small forward observation posts at key locations on the southern and northern banks. A forward element of the US 1st Armored Division arrived 48 hours ago to support 7th Cavalry in securing the area. Elements of the Estonian Military have moved into the western area. Following the Bern peace talks agreement, Task Force 49 are ordered to disengage, hold the southern side of the river and are to return fire only upon immediate threat to life.

Mission Brief

NASOE CCC believes the target data to be in the possession of Victor Ivanosvsky (Codename Oxford). He is understood to be in the area of Räägu, north of Cougar Companies location. The latest peace agreement has complicated the situation. The NASOE SO team cannot advance into the search area under the guise of 7th Cavalry as this is contrary to the Bern peace agreement.

Osprey is to cross the Saugi River covertly using none NATO equipment. The area is believed to be occupied by Pro-Russian EDF forces. Direct engagement is authorised but should be avoided if possible. The primary objective is to recover the target data. If objective Oxford can be secured alive this is a bonus but not a necessity.

Ingress north across the river and search objectives Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Once the data is secured return.

Victor Ivanosvsky

Victor Ivanosvsky

Mods required (13 incl. optional)

@st_stamina_bar (OPTIONAL)
@sthud_a3 (OPTIONAL)
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