No op 15th Feb.
Mission Brief
Alpha Company is being deployed to the islands on the west coast of Estonia. US forces are currently fighting for the southern island of Saaremaa whilst 43 Commando are engaged on the northern island of Hiimaa.
Upon arrival at FOB UTAH we are to report to lieutenant Alan E. Deveny
Mission critical roles
6 Platoon Commander - Rambler (mission brief sent)
Mods required (12 incl. optional)
@jsrs3 or @jsrs2 (OPTIONAL)
@st_stamina_bar (OPTIONAL)
@sthud_a3 (OPTIONAL)
Mission Brief
Alpha Company is being deployed to the islands on the west coast of Estonia. US forces are currently fighting for the southern island of Saaremaa whilst 43 Commando are engaged on the northern island of Hiimaa.
Upon arrival at FOB UTAH we are to report to lieutenant Alan E. Deveny
Mission critical roles
6 Platoon Commander - Rambler (mission brief sent)
Mods required (12 incl. optional)
@jsrs3 or @jsrs2 (OPTIONAL)
@st_stamina_bar (OPTIONAL)
@sthud_a3 (OPTIONAL)
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