1st November, Sunday OP 12:30 GMT (CLOCKS CHANGED)


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
We will run Rambler's mission.

Mod list below - please no other mods.

Ramblers Mission
@hotze_saru_beta (Sarugao)
@st_stamina_bar (OPTIONAL)
@sthud_a3 (OPTIONAL)
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Planning on it, so it looks like we'll be running my mission. Here is the mod list for it:

AIA Terrain Pack
Sarugao A3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27561

Optional: ShackTac HUD & Stamina

The mission uses the High Command module to supplement the player squad with two additional AI squads. Whoever would like to command should be familiar controlling AI via the HC module. (I'll be a trigger puller on this one since I know what and where everything is).

Here's a quick breifing.

Sarugao Military Field
0450 hrs

The Russians pulled a surprise invasion on the small NATO affiliated island nation of Sarugao yesterday afternoon. They hit the beach on the western end of the island and easily secured Sarugao International Airport. Advance recon units initially brushed aside the small US contingents on the island, and they swiftly moved into the interior and captured the capital city of Belnuevo with little resistance. However, the remaining US forces on the island were able to slow their advance at two natural choke points on the island; isthmuses in the north and south of the island. The isthmus in the north is much more defensible, so the forces at the south isthmus are performing a delaying action in order to allow the units trapped there to evacuate to Sarugao Military Field, located on a small island northwest of the mainland. Heavy fighting occurred at the northern isthmus late last night, with no appreciable gain on either side. Sketchy intel from refugees and US soldiers straggling in point to the Russians consolidating their hold on the airport and moving their heavier mechanized forces ashore.

That's where your platoon comes in. We have very few military assets to work with right now, but we need to retake Belnuevo before the Russians are able to reinforce the recon unit there. Belnuevo sits astride the last serviceable road leading from the airport to the northern part of the island. If we can retake and hold Belnuevo, we can upset the Russian advance inland, thus buying us time until our reinforcements en route arrive.

The plan of action is as follows:
1. Osprey Platoon (Alpha) will be airlifted by Blackhawks from Sarugao Military Field to LZ Colt near Belnuevo. Take off is at 0500 hrs.
2. Attack Belnuevo and, if successful in taking it, hold the town.

The remaining armored units (Bravo) are making an attack across the northern isthmus shortly after your platoon is on the ground. If they are successful, some armor may be detached from the main force and tasked to provide you with support. They will be the only reinforcements you can hope for. There is no air support available. Our only Apache is inoperable with mechanical issues and will be unavailable to assist you.

Intel, as previously mentioned, is more hearsay right now. From what we've gathered, expect to meet about a platoon of Russian soldiers with a possible IFV.

We don't have much to fight back with right now, but the situation is dire and we need to do what we can to buy time until additional NATO forces arrive. Good luck.

Overall Map:

Belnuevo Detail:
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