1x CMBN 1x CMFI & 1x CMRT opponent wanted.


Mauser GDog

As works slows down, I find myself checking for new pbem turns to do, but I don't have enough! ;)

Looking for 3x games, 1x turn per day (or more) during the week, I will be hunting most weekends for next 2x months! :)

*adding a request for a CMRT battle*
CMRT would like to play something distinctly Eastern Front, think urban warfare

CMBN (all modules) Medium force/Large map, allied attack - hedgerows - I'd like to play Axis

CMFI (all modules) Medium force/Large map, Meeting engagement - any side (opponent found)

Ladder games are fine, but I haven't played a ladder game yet.

Any takers?
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As works slows down, I find myself checking for new pbem turns to do, but I don't have enough! ;)

Looking for 2x games, 1x turn per day (or more) during the week, I will be hunting most weekends for next 2x months! :)

CMBN (all modules) Medium force/Large map, allied attack - hedgerows - I'd like to play Axis
CMFI (all modules) Medium force/Large map, Meeting engagement - any side

Ladder games are fine, but I haven't played a ladder game yet.

Any takers?

I'm keen on going with CMFI with you, Mauser GDog. I've not played any ladder games yet so this would suit me. Most weekdays I can do a turn or two each day. I'm using CMFI with the 3.0 Upgrade and will be using the latest CMH. Happy to go with a scenario or QB.

Currently I'm away in Poland but will be back home and ready to start from October 1st.

Excellent BC, I will put something together and send along the parameters for you to review/approve, then I'll set up a game and having it waiting for you upon your return.

Talk soon,
I've added a request for a CMRT game, would like to try some urban fighting.
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