29th November, Sunday OP 12:30 GMT (Operation BOUNTY)


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Operation BOUNTY

Phase IRON – target King of Diamonds

The King Of Diamonds is believed to be visiting an ammo dump at coordinates 013008 in Iraq, west of Haditha. A French air strike will hit the ammo dump at first light. We will follow the strike into the AO with the objective to capture or kill the target. If the target is terminated the team are to bring back the body for 100% confirmation.

Ingress and egress will be via US Marine helicopter from USS Midway. The AO will still have active IS forces, so expect a hostile insert. A large mechanized force is known to be operating further south so plan for a heavy QRF. The mission needs to be swift; primary objective is to secure the target, secondary to destroy any equipment that IS can use as a military asset.

Commander decision will be made on the day.

Mod list - PlaywithSix references (RED mod do not use)
@ryd_incognito (DO NOT USE)
Couple screens from today. Ingressing to the LZ:

Ithikial showing off his mad offroad driving skills by getting airborne in a utility truck. Vart and Double hang on for their dear lives in the back:
"...and that kids is how you get air in an old Soviet Ural."

Nice pic there Rambler. Given how close we came to the rear of the other truck, glad no one decided for an early exit. :)

Was a good fight and thanks again for DoubleD for the mission design. May seem a little gamey, but these scripted missions just play a lot better I think. Real shame about the secondary objective since we had cottoned on that something had to be done but couldn't work it out in time to get it done.
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