31 August, 1997: Princess Diana dies

31 August, 1997: Princess Diana dies

On this day in 1997 Diana, Princess of Wales, dies in Pitie-Salpetiere Hospital, Paris, after suffering massive chest injuries in an early morning car accident. Her companion, Dodi al-Fayed, was killed instantly in the 12:25 a.m. crash, as was driver Henri Paul, who lost control of the Mercedes in a highway underpass. He was driving at excessive speeds in a reckless attempt to escape paparazzi photographers. Diana's bodyguard, Trevor Rees Jones, escaped with serious but nonfatal injuries. He was the only one wearing his seat belt. The death of Diana, beloved by millions for her beauty and good nature, plunged the world into mourning.

Diana Frances Spencer was born at Park House on 1 July 1961, the home that her parents rented on Queen Elizabeth II's estate at Sandringham, England. In her childhood, her playmates were Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, the younger sons of Queen Elizabeth. When her father inherited the title Earl of Spencer in 1975, she became known as Lady Diana Spencer. After completing her education, Lady Diana became a kindergarten teacher at a fashionable school in a suburb of London.

In 1980, she began a romance with Prince Charles, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth. In February 1981, the 33-year-old Prince of Wales announced his engagement to the 19-year-old schoolteacher. Diana's beauty and shy demeanour made her an instant media sensation, and on 29 July 1981, nearly one billion television viewers in 74 countries tuned in to witness her marriage to the heir to the British throne. Married in a grand ceremony at St. Paul's Cathedral, the couple's romance was, for the moment, the envy of the world. Their first child, Prince William, was born in 1982, and their second, Prince Harry, in 1984.

Before long, however, the fairy tale couple grew apart, an experience that was particularly painful under the ubiquitous eyes of the world's tabloid media. The paparazzi made Diana one of the most photographed women in the world, and privately she suffered from eating disorders and depression. In 1992, Diana and Charles formally separated. In August 1996, the prince and princess reached a final divorce agreement after prolonged negotiations. In exchange for a generous settlement and the right to retain her apartments at Kensington Palace and her title Princess of Wales, Diana agreed to relinquish the title ‘Her Royal Highness’ and any future claims to the British throne.

In the year after her divorce, the popular princess seemed well on her way to achieving her dream of becoming "a queen in people's hearts." She maintained a high public profile and continued to promote many humanitarian causes, including support for AIDS victims and a campaign against landmines. In late 1996, she became involved with millionaire Dodi al-Fayed, the son of the Egyptian-born owner of Harrods in London. Their romance grew in 1997, and in August Diana took a holiday with al-Fayed in the Mediterranean. As always, the paparazzi followed closely behind, and one photographer was paid $3 million by the tabloids for a photo of Diana and al-Fayed kissing on his yacht.

On 30 August, Diana and al-Fayed flew from Sardinia to Paris. Diana planned to return to Kensington Palace the next morning after spending a night in al-Fayed’s Paris villa. That evening, Diana and al-Fayed dined at a restaurant in Paris' Ritz Hotel, owned by al-Fayed's father since 1979. The paparazzi came out in force. Toward the end of the meal, al-Fayed told his chauffeur to drive his car back to his mansion in an attempt to draw off photographers. Henri Paul, the deputy chief of security at the Ritz, was enlisted to be the new driver. He agreed, even though he had been drinking heavily and was taking anti-depressant drugs that were not supposed to be mixed with alcohol.

Around midnight, al-Fayed and Diana emerged from the rear entrance of the Ritz. The paparazzi had not been fooled by the earlier ruse, and the couple were photographed getting into a bullet-proof Mercedes along with Diana's bodyguard. As they made their way across town, they were followed closely by paparazzi on motorcycles. On the Place de la Concorde, Henri Paul hit the accelerator in an attempt to escape the press. By the time they reached the underpass below the Pont de l'Alma, the driver was travelling an estimated 120 mph in a 30-mph speed zone. Paul lost control as they flew into the underpass, and the Mercedes ricocheted off a wall and slammed into pillars supporting the tunnel roof. The paparazzi, 100 yards behind at the time of the accident, were able to stop in time. Several of them then ran down the tunnel and began taking photos, which were later confiscated by police.

The Mercedes, lying crushed against the 13th pillar, was a tangle of smoking metal. Diana, barely alive with serious chest injuries, was trapped inside. Emergency crews arrived within minutes, but because the car was made of reinforced steel meant to withstand bullets it took nearly an hour and a half to extricate her from the crumbled vehicle. She was taken to the Pitie-Salpetiere Hospital, where she suffered cardiac arrest minutes after her arrival. Surgeons failed to revive her, and at 3 a.m. she was pronounced dead. She was 36.

Diana's bodyguard was the only survivor of the crash. He suffered a concussion and other injuries and has no memory of the crash nor the events immediately preceding or following it. French authorities arrested 10 paparazzi photographers who were tailing the Mercedes and charged them with involuntary manslaughter. The charges were dropped when a formal investigation concluded that Henri Paul was solely at fault for the fatal accident.

The tragic death of Diana caused an outpouring of British national feeling not seen since the celebrations surrounding the end of World War II. Mourners brought more than a million bouquets of flowers to the royal palaces and waited in line more than 12 hours to sign books of condolences. More than 3,500 phone lines were set up to take donations for a memorial fund, and within a year the charity fund raised $133 million, of which $48 million came from sales of Elton John's memorial recording "Candle in the Wind 1997" and $20 million from official Diana souvenirs.

After being criticised for failing to satisfactorily match the grief of the British people, the royal family arranged for a state funeral to be held for Diana at Westminster Abbey on 6 September. Diana's coffin was taken from Kensington Palace to the Abbey on a horse-drawn gun carriage, and an estimated one million mourners lined the route. Diana's sons, William, 15, and Harry, 12, joined their father, Prince Charles; grandfather Prince Philip; and uncle Charles, the Earl of Spencer, to walk the final stretch of the procession with the casket. The only sound was the clatter of the horses' hooves and the peal of a church bell.

The service, watched by an estimated two billion people worldwide, sacrificed royal pomp for a more human touch. Workers associated with Diana's various charities represented 500 of the 2,000 people invited to attend the funeral. Elton John, a friend of Diana, lent a popular touch to the ceremony when he sang "Candle in the Wind," accompanying himself on piano. After the service, Diana's body was taken by hearse to her family's ancestral estate near Althorp, north of London. In a private ceremony, she was laid to rest on a tree-shaded island in a small lake, securely beyond the reach of the camera lens.

Since the death of Princess Diana, Althorp, which has been in the Spencer family for over 500 years, is now a popular tourist attraction that offers tours to the general public.
Hedge know that the event had great significance in this country .- A few weeks went on TV a documentary about Diana, in which even the children talked about it and more .- It was very interesting, with pictures of the princess's last moments captured by security cameras at the Ritz Hotel and logically everything that happened in the tunnel .-
Here called "the people's princess" .-
Perhaps I'm a cynical bloke, but I can only understand the massive interest in (the death of) princess Diana as proof that people need icons. What made her so very special ? Apart from being reasonbly pretty, the mother of the heir to British thrown and former wife of the crownprince ?
Perhaps I'm a cynical bloke, but I can only understand the massive interest in (the death of) princess Diana as proof that people need icons. What made her so very special ? Apart from being reasonbly pretty, the mother of the heir to British thrown and former wife of the crownprince ?

If you look at the Charity work that this lady was involved in you would understand, not just giving money but hands on situation in many African Countries, plus her Son's the Princes's William & Harry are following in her foot step's And that I am pleased to say that is what makes our Royal Family the Best
What´s interesting to read for me is that the bodyguard was seat belted. As far as I´m informed is it common that bodyguards aren´t belted if they are in service. But I´ll follow that to make sure I´m right informed. But to follow the context here - I think Diana was an icon because she didn´t try to become what she wasn´t. She kept an human on first place.
And that I am pleased to say that is what makes our Royal Family the Best

"The best", compared to other royal families or "the best" in charity work is the work the (British) royal family does best ?

If it is the first, you're wrong of course !! :peace:
Charles did not have a romance with Camilla? And Diana with Dodi? That helped the princess to become a legend, I guess ...

Yes, Charles and Diana should never have got married.
They were badly matched, he was intelligent but she was an airhead..
The Dutch royal family of course. Although they're not "anywhere near" the UK royal family: they're far better ! :wink:

Actually I don't really care which is better. Hard to compare. But I think we can be very content with our royal family.
I really don't know what is more expensive, a president or a royal family. Not only the upkeep of a presidents costs money but the elections too.

In many countries (Germany and Italy for example) the president has more or less the same function as a king/queen in the Netherlands. So, no big difference there. A big plus for a constituional monarchy is that you have a person who is educated many years to perform his duty as king/queen. This does not apply for a president. The Dutch crownprince is wel into his forties and is likely to succeed our queen within the next few years. In his younger years he was called "prince pils", because he liked his beer, but if one is asked nowadays people are positive about him.
What's a royal family for?... not a sarcastic or flippant question... why spend the economic effort to maintain a monarchy in this era of constitutional democracy? (ok, Britain isn't actually a constitutional democracy... but you may understand my point)

That is a thing that is always debated, are they really worth the money, In the UK they are a big Tourist attraction which in turn does bring in the cash, And then of course there are the people who are Royalist, God bless them me included, The point of having a Royal Family which in our case goes back hundreds of years and to my mind as more of a Appeal than a President.....Well Worth the Money
This pic has been going around the net for some time and people are wondering whether Prince Philip (a well-known joker) broke wind or not. The others expressions and body language suggests 'yes', especially Prince Harry at the back who's rofling..

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