31st August, Sunday Op 13:30 BST - Chernarus


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Regional update

Behind closed doors the UN has confronted Pakistan with its evidence of direct Pakistan military involvement in an attempt to release weaponised anthrax into the general populace of Fallujah alongside several other European cities. The potential death toll is currently estimated at 15 million, depending upon the exact cities hit.

Pakistan vehemently denies the allegation. Publically it has started to talk of a need for peace in the Takistan region and negotiations are already underway to support the distribution of humanitarian aid within the eastern areas of Takistan. Fallujah continues to be a no go zone with various local factions fighting across the city.

NATO forces in the west of Fallujah continue to stay on high alert but all non-combat personnel are now being evacuated via air following a cease fire agreement brokered on the 26th Aug ‘14.

Situational update

The identity of the second 20’ ocean container was found using details from the container recovered at Fallujah. At 16:44 on the 30th August US military intelligence identified a matching container transiting from the port town of Makhachkala in Eastern Russia, north of Georgia. The truck stopped at a disused airfield south of Astrakhan. The area is now under observation via satellite.

Mission brief

With limited NATO resources available in the area Alpha have been ordered to secure the second container at all costs. We have rearmed at the US base at Fallujah and a C-130 Hercules will support a covert deployment on Russian soil. At this time it is not known if Russia is directly involved with the intended anthrax attack so Russian authorities have not been contacted.

Jester (C-130) will do a low level para drop approximately 2 km north of the airfield. A supply crate will also be dropped with additional ammunition, long range communication, demolitions and NBC equipment.

Alpha is to move south and secure the airfield, and the anthrax shipment. All persons, armed or unarmed, present at the airfield are to be eliminated. There are to be no survivors.

After inserting Alpha, Jester will remain on station over the coast. Once the shipment of anthrax is secured and the airfield cleared Jester will land at the LZ and extract the anthrax and Alpha.

This is scripted so I know what is out there. Someone else will need to step up to lead this op. Please shout out in this thread.

Mods required
@A3MP (ver 1.4)
@CBA_A3 (ver
@CAF_AG (ver 1.5.2)
@NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons (ver 1.4)
@task_force_radio (0.9.2)
@JSRS2 (ver 2.2)
@TPWCAS_A3 (ver 5.5)

@BlastCore_A3 (ver 0.3)
@mrb_a3_voicestop (ver 1.4)
@outlw_magrepack (ver 3.1.0)
@sthud_a3 (ver 14.3.2)
@VTS_WeaponResting (ver 0.5)
@st_nametags (ver 1.0)

Roles and allocation

[Alpha 1-1] Squad Lead - TBC
[Alpha 1-2] JTAC - DoubleD
[Alpha 1-3] Combat Engineer - Vart
[Alpha 1-4] Paramedic - Septic

[Alpha 2-1] Fire Team Lead - Ithikial
[Alpha 2-2] Light Machine gun -
[Alpha 2-3] Anti Tank -
[Alpha 2-4] Marksman -
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