3rd August, Sunday Op 13:30 BST - cancelled


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Regional update;

Fallujah city is a combat zone as rival forces battle to secure the city. NATO forces sit on the western edge, powerless to get involved due to fear of reprisals from CSAT.

Situational update;

Intel discovered by Alpha during a raid on a separatist rebel camp suggests that rebels have somehow got access to a unknown quantity of weaponised anthrax. Mohammed, a civilian who assisted Alpha on the raid on the camp, translated the captured intel 'a container of make sick (anthrax) split into two. Trucked to Fallujah'. There was an indication, though Mohammed was not the easiest to understand, that there is an intention that one of the shipments is to be released in Fallujah, the destination of the second is a major city in Western Europe. There are over 300,000 civilians at Fallujah and over 200,000 NATO forces. With half a million lives at stake Alpha cannot sit on this intel.

The squad has no long range communication and no method to alert the outside world of the current situation.

Mission brief;

We have no choice but to head to Fallujah in an attempt to secure the shipments and to warn NATO command of the separatist rebels intent.

Our munitions are low and various pieces of equipment are damaged or missing after 5 weeks in the field. The journey to Fallujah is going to be tough, enemy deployment is heavy so we have to travel at night. We expect to arrive at the city early morning and insert under cover of darkness. The city is a war zone with various factions fighting for control. This is going to be a challenging mission, grab what you can and let's move out ASAP.

Mods required are below, note the removal of Reshmaan and the inclusion of Fallujah. Link is also below.

Mods required @A3MP (ver 1.4)
@CBA_A3 (ver
@Alive (ver
@CAF_AG (ver 1.5.2)
@Fallujah (ver1.2.1)
@NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons (ver 1.2.1)
@task_force_radio (0.9.2)
@JSRS2 (ver 2.2)
@TPWCAS_A3 (ver 5.5)

Fallujah link http://play.withsix.com/arma-2/mods/fallujah

@BlastCore_A3 (ver 0.3)
@mrb_a3_voicestop (ver 1.4)
@outlw_magrepack (ver 3.1.0)
@sthud_a3 (ver 14.3.2)
@VTS_WeaponResting (ver 0.5)

Roles and allocation

[Alpha 1-1] Squad Lead - DoubleD
[Alpha 1-2] JTAC -
[Alpha 1-3] Combat Engineer -
[Alpha 1-4] Paramedic - Septic

[Alpha 2-1] Fire Team Lead - Ithikial
[Alpha 2-2] Light Machine gun -
[Alpha 2-3] Anti Tank -
[Alpha 2-4] Marksman -

We urgently need boots on the ground for this op. Shout out if you can make it.
I've got the itch to jump back into Arma, so count me in on Sunday. Just as an FYI, I've been gathering up the needed mods, and the NATO Russian SF weapons mod is now updated to 1.4.
Very sorry gentlemen but I have to cancel this weekend. I now have a family commitment which must take priority. Next Sunday looks fine, I will reschedule to then.
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