3rd January, Sunday OP 12:30 GMT (Operation BOUNTY)


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Operation BOUNTY

Phase BRASS – destroy Israeli surface to surface missile systems

IS has obtained two Israeli surface to surface guided missile systems and have moved the vehicles to the Turkish – Syrian border. With recent reports of IS development of mustard gas derived chemical weapons the missiles must be neutralised immediately. The team will HALO deploy before dawn from a C-130, move to an over-watch position south of the identified target location and call in an air strike. Two US Marine AV-8B ground attack aircraft will be on station, each equipped with two laser guided Paveway II 500 pound bombs. The CAS will only have a short time in the AO so the team has to be in position and call in the strike within 45 minutes of exiting the C-130. Once the weapon systems have been destroyed neutralize the camp and obtain photographic evidence of the Israeli vehicle’s serial numbers or other identifying markers. These are needed to trace where IS secured the high tech weapons. Egress will be via Helicopter, LZ is at the team’s discretion.

Ensure you reach the over-watch position without alerting the forces protecting the missile systems; there is a risk they will relocate the vehicles if you are discovered. If you fail then pull back and exit the AO, do not engage the forces at the camp, this will make reacquiring the systems impossible.

Mod list - PlaywithSix references (GREEN mod, new for this mission only)

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I've got PlayWith6 telling me that CUP Terrain and maps needs to be installed. Did CUP's make these dependents for their other content? Assuming it's safe to ignore for us.
Probably wont be there again. I'm still having mod issues and I'm really at the point now of just uninstalling. ARMA is a great game but requires so many mods to make it what 90% of the player base wants. Its great that B.I. supports and encourages modding but a shame that the mods are what cause all the headaches.
The @CUP update seems to clash with All In Arma. I updated and then had to exclude the CUP terrain from the launch list in order to get ARMA to run. Let's see how it goes today.

@Septic Limb; understand your frustration, most of the missions I've scripted for the campaign now don't run.... Grrrr. Will be sorry to see you drop out of the group.

See you all laters 07
The @CUP update seems to clash with All In Arma. I updated and then had to exclude the CUP terrain from the launch list in order to get ARMA to run. Let's see how it goes today.

Probably a bit late for tonight, but for the future would ditching All in Arma for CUP's Terrain packs be viable or required?
Running CUP terrains with AiA TP is what's causing the problems.
CUP terrain already contains everything All in Arma did.

...CUP Terrains, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)"
It builds upon the work done by kju for AiA TP and brings all of BI's iconic terrains to ArmA 3 as well as all the amazing 3rd-party terrains created by the community.
CUP Terrains maintains full backwards compatibility to A3MP and AiA TP - no need to adjust any missions or maps.

Edit: Turns out there was a bug with the CUP's backwards compatibility. It should have been fixed in a recent patch.
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