

Gio anni

Hi all
I am still unable to activelly rejoin this wonderfull comunity but the friendly remainder I received pushed me to write an hello for all of you hoping to come back soon and battle again. I miss the firendship and the challange!
I took the liberty, to have something to write beside hello, to make a test for you all. I have a new powerfull PC with a 4K screnn and I loaded RT and tried a samll scenario in glourious 4K. The result is mixed. It does slow down a lot the graphics as expected but in a PC with 2 NVDIA 780 in SLI is manageble. I am actually unsure the game is capable of using SLI, but I guess it is.
The improvement vs HD are there, but as much as expected. Antializing is not an issue anymore, and everithing is very sharp, but texture do no gain as much as I tought or as other games I tried do. For instance the only game I am playing right now, having very little free time, Dark Souls 2, in 4 K is simply amazing.
All the best for you all
Nice to hear from you Giovanni! And if you like our battles are still "active" and waiting for your return :)
Yes, Giovanni - come back to the pixelfront! ;)

Are you now playing on a 4K TV screen?
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