4th May, Sunday Op 13:30 BST – Zargabad


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
FGM Command

Mission brief;

Following the capture of Corporal DoubleD on the night of April 29th all military surveillance assets in the province have been focussed on identifying his location. The PiRgt100 vehicles that were seized by rebels in the raid have been spotted driving East towards the town of Zargabad. Whilst the Corporal was not positively identified there is strong intel to suggest that he was taken with the vehicles and is being held close to their location.

A recovery team is to be dispatched. We do not leave a man behind, bring him back to Camp Hope, dead or alive.

Mission specifics;

The team will travel to the outskirts of the town using civilian vehicles at night. The town of Zargabad is a centre of rebel activity and garrisons several hundred rebel fighters so the operation will need to be a stealth grab. All weapons are to be suppressed, avoid contact if possible. If contact is unavoidable terminate immediately to avoid the alarm being raised. Additional VAS equipment is available from the civilian boxer van at the insertion point.

Deployment will be the standard WOW, stick to your class roles, please join Alpha or Bravo team from the left list.

Mods required;

@A3MP (maps)
@CAF_AG (armies)
@mcc_sandbox_a3 (latest version)
@NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons (funky killing stuff)
@ADF (Aussie dress up for ITHIKIAL)
*** @idzgladius (PiRgt100 dress up) *** NOT REQUIRED, DO NOT RUN
@sthud_a3 (changed to a required for squad management)

Recommended client side mods;


Operational intel;


[Map of AO. Note insert, primary & secondary extract LZs]


[Pic, entry roads into the town - 00:01 hrs]


[Pic, thermal image of town. Compound in foreground, centre & centre right - 00:05 hrs]


[Pic, thermal image of compound at coordinates 036043 - 00:07 hrs. Note guard on roof top and patrolling at front gate]


[Pic, thermal image of compound holding NATO vehicles at coordinates 039042 - 00:09 hrs. Note guard at entrance]


[Pic, thermal image of compound at coordinates 039041 - 00:11 hrs. Note guards on roof tops and in compound]
Kaveria ei jätetä. I'm in.
Do we have any support in case things go tits up and this turns into Mogadishu 2:The Electric Boogaloo and the whole city comes out after us?
To answer your question Ithikial I'm going to give a long winded answer which is a bit bigger picture :rolleyes:

I'm changing tack slightly on how I create and manage the ops. I've been doing everything on the fly with MCC and been heavily involved in spawning stuff and AI activities which makes it very difficult for me to contribute to the fire team during the mission. I'm now trying to create mission templates where I only do one or two strategic inputs at specific times based upon your decisions. Everything else I'll leave to MCC's GAIA AI command or simple scripts and triggers. It should allow me more time to enjoy the pew pew, and give you gentlemen more influence on the battlefield. For example the helicopter evac is now scripted, not me using MCC. You have to pop smoke at the pre agreed LZ and call in the heli, radio 0 0 1 for pick up. On the battlefield, if you decide to stealth and choose a route which avoids the enemy, I'll try and avoid interfering and spawning stuff in. I'll keep it interesting, but want to stop micro managing the AI and forcing the scenarios.

In short, no I don't plan to be Zeus'ing unless the AI goes vegetable. There really will be several hundred Rebels garrisoned in the town. Go Rambo or an AI escapes and raises the alarm and they will react, I don't plan to stop them :eek:
Make sure you have the latest version of TFAR, currently Also remember, I'm not running the @idzgladius mod for the German engineers. It's not needed today.

See you all later 07
Im back from hols.. I mean training in Cuba so should be able to join in for rescuing DD. Although since it says he can be dead or alive we could just drop some fuel air explosive on the vill... :p
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