6th September, Sunday OP 13:30 BST (12:30 GMT/UTC)


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
We will run the same OP as last weekend. I'll do some tweaking so it isn't exactly the same, but the mission brief is exactly the same :confused:

It's the last mission in the Campaign so we have to run it :uzi:

Mission Overview

The target data is STILL believed to be in the possession of Victor Ivanosvsky (Codename Oxford). His twin brother has been spotted in Greece ;), however there is growing concern that Victor will make a dash towards the eastern Estonian border and into the proposed de-militarised zone. The rising tension in the area and the advancing NATO heavy forces mean Osprey need to secure the data ASAP.

Mission Brief

The team is to ingress north across the river and into the area ASAP, searching deeper north east. There is an airfield approx. 15 kilometers from the river, this is an EDF stronghold and Command believe elements of the 4th Guards Tank Division are also stationed here. Exercise caution whilst searching objectives Alpha & Bravo, AND MAKE A PLAN. The dataset and Victor MUST be at one of these locations, all NASOE R&A intelligence points here and only his twin is in Greece. This is once again a covert OP, no NATO equipment is to be used.

Good luck team, grab the data and get out ASAP. Really recommend someone steps up for command before so I can share info. Ithikial should be out based upon our rules, no consecutive week in the command role.

Mods required (13 incl. optional)

@st_stamina_bar (OPTIONAL)
@sthud_a3 (OPTIONAL)
Won't be able to make it, and I'll be unable to make the rest of the September sessions. The only one that I may be able to make is 13 Sept. Big maybe, though.
Won't be able to make it, and I'll be unable to make the rest of the September sessions. The only one that I may be able to make is 13 Sept. Big maybe, though.

Dang Rambler! Just as I get back in action you go AWOL!

Barring further fried headset incidents I should be there.
Double was just going through that list of mods...there are additions that haven't been appearing in Playwith6 for me:


My assumption was most of us/you were using Playwith6. What is the expectation on how to install/manage these mods?
Double was just going through that list of mods...there are additions that haven't been appearing in Playwith6 for me:


My assumption was most of us/you were using Playwith6. What is the expectation on how to install/manage these mods?

If you check the threads of the last two sessions Vart posted a link for a Dropbox folder. Also, in threads there's a guide on how to install them.
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