21 june 1944: the 4th Division of VII Corps/US army is to advance toward Cherbourg.The 1st and 3d Battalion of the 8th Infantry Regiment are to advance north through the woods, while the 2nd Battalion is to attack the German positions at Crossroads N148 from the east. The 8th Infantry Regiment's main objective is to break through to the high ground east of La Glacerie, and to pinch out by the northwest advance of the 12th Infantry on Tourlaville.After mortar and artillery preparations the 2nd Bat/8th Reg/4th Division, consisting of Company E, Company F and Company G, advanced eastward toward Crossroads N148 and German positions to the northwest. Along the north-south road Company G became pinned at the intersection at Crossroads N148, but Company E went north of Crossroads N148 and advanced some 800 yards beyond the east-west road. Company E has discovered they have by passed German positions in the same wood that covers Crossroads N148 and are now cut off. Movement is impossible and something has to be done. Company E must be extricated, or Company G needs help in moving forward. The battalion commander decided to commit Company F from reserves together with 4 tanks. Company G should fall in behind Company F, the plan is to come up abreast with Company E to restore the battalion line and to cut off the German positions at Crossroad N148.