9th August, Sunday OP 13:30 BST (12:30 GMT/UTC)


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
IMPORTANT - 2 new mods + 1 optional. Allow plenty of time to download.

Mission Brief

With our help Cougar Company has finally broken out of the beachhead landing on the western peninsular and is headed east towards route E67. The planned incursion point is north of Pärnu, south of Räägu. The expeditionary force supported by light armour is expecting to cross the E67 at approximately 10:00 hours on Sunday the 9th of August. Their objective is to secure an airfield on the eastern side of the E67, close to the river Sauga Jögi.

Intelligence suggests the area is being held by Pro-Russian forces with potential support by the 76th Guards Air Assault Division.

Our mission brief is to support Cougar Company in securing the airport and the territory south of the Sauga Jögi river. Specific objectives will be issued by Cougar Company Command.

Mods required (13 incl. optional)

@mbg_buildings3 (required for Celle2, will auto download with Celle if use playwith6)
@MBG_Celle2 (download this first & mbg_buildings3 will be included)
@st_stamina_bar (OPTIONAL)
@sthud_a3 (OPTIONAL)
@shackTack_map_gestures (OPTIONAL)

Additional notes

I need a squad commander to step up, or its last man in. This OP will be as per the previous last few operations, mostly ALIVE with some minor tweaks by myself via Zeus on the fly. We each get 2 respawns to share across the team at log in, once these are used the mission ends and this is how far Cougar Company gets. Could do with a good turn out this time, we need to secure the southern side of the map before the campaign can continue and I expect the fighting to be tough.
Planning on being there! Also, the ShackTac map gestures requires that everyone be running it in order for it to work: http://dslyecxi.com/shacktac_wp/shacktac-mods/shacktac-map-gestures/
This mod is designed to be used in an all-or-nothing fashion, which is to say, as part of a core modset and not as an optional aspect. All clients and the server must have it. Using it in any other fashion will likely cause issues, as well as defeat the purpose of it (why gesture if you don’t know if someone can receive it?).

@Ithikial - Links to download the map via Armaholic. As long as you're running AiA TP it works fine.
Celle2 Patch #1
MBG Buildings 3
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