a curious thing



BUCHAREST 1940-Black man in the german army?!?

Although the soldier looks kind of dark skin his face features and especially the nose dont seem to be of a black guy.
At least one from Afirka.
If it shouldn´t be a bad picture - perhaps it is a Arab or similar folk. Some of them fought with the Wehrmacht at Africa, I think. I know there were a unit of muslim troopers prepared by the SS. They were the right men for the SS because the have a working religion for a warrior. So they needn´t a mental schooling anymore.

Despite the goal of a master race, the Germans employed many nationalities and races in their armed forces, most notably from the Soviet Union's territories. It would not be unheard of to have Middle Eastern or North Africans in uniform. Not common, but not out of the question.
If you look at the original photo the guy appears to be over 6 and 1/2 feet tall.

Maybe a good tan?
Typically you had to be “Aryen” to get called up into the wehrmacht. But in war times they made quite a few exceptions because of lacking men. However becoming an officer would have been impossible afaik.
Clear pictures:


Even the famous figther pilot Hans-Joachim Marseille had a colored orderly. I guess this man became a sergeant and was killed in France in 1944.
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