A Slow Advance... Volunteer need (real-time small 45mins)

File received and had one quick run through tonight, (ass handed to me a few times) will do another run through tomorrow and give you a better report.

My first real view of the Churchill Crocodile, and it's awesome...
A Slow Advance ... D-day advance... requires lastest pack.
(Contains Sherman crab, churchill croc...).
please post below... Thanks for your help.
im up for the real time game i have the vic pack =3
Yep i got it bud thx i will let you no watt i think of it. =3
@Ronnoc Dropped you an E-mail with attachment a few days ago... did you receive it?
(maybe in your junk file...:shocknaz:)

Hello i played your small RT engagement and i liked it. I won the 1st play threw with a miner Victory. I took all the objectives but it was a bloody one i lost 24 troops kia and i lost my armored car and my Sherman with mine flail. I also had my crocodile Churchill tank immobilize and abandon by its crew do to panzerfaust fire. I killed 42 German troops and one panzer 4. the German inf was expert in sniping my 50 cal gunners out of the haft tracks as well. That was a B! >:O But it was fun and well made!......... One problem i note that i saw was the Stug 3 wen my Churchill tank spotted it. It proceeded to back up witch is normal. But it backed up to far and slid into the river hafe submerged in the water and mane gun in the air made it combat ineffective. XD .....But its all good. I can see that happening in rel life to tank crews in war and I no for a fact it has happened. But i just wanted to bring that to your att if you wanted to fix the land to give the stug more room to move to maximize the German army effectiveness. =3
I've got my copy in my scenario folder, I'll take a crack at it tomorrow
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