A thought.


Mr Yormsha

I have a notion running round in my head. (Dangerous I know...)

I fancy running a game, (with myself as umpire,) in my head its about a 12 v 12(ish) player game. Its not CM, or any other game. Its more a role playing thing. Two overall commanders of each side, and the other 10 or 11 each in charge of a division/regiment. All commands are sent via me (overall commanders) and to me (Regimental/Divisional commanders,) combat is resolved by me, and results are relayed via email. And i (randomly) ensure some FOW.

It's all a work in progress, and if there’s interest I’ll start it after the New Year.

I'm working on rules as I type. If you'd like to see more let me know.

(As a player all you need to do is check/read emails and issue commands, once every one or two days. But i will need you to be pretty committed. if anyone falls out or falls behind the system will break down)

Any interest let me know via this thread or email me.

Im up for a bit of that.... would be a hell of a lot of work for the games master.

thanks both. yeah. i think you're right. a lot of work alright. i'm delving through a mountain of old game rules and systems that could act as a base, or be worked up as a game system.
Would you use maps and counters?
Well it was my intention not to.

I may use maps and counters just to keep tabs on it all.

But player would get 'hand drawn' maps and commands would be issued 'verbally' (through me via email)
yeah. thats what i was thinking. that and 'verbal reports'.
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