AAR-Cargol vs Edde (Cargol keep out)



My first PMEB in maybe 8 years! I've had fun playing against the AI but thought it was about time I had a go against a human opponent. I’m expecting quite a steep learning curve with this so was after a player who would be happy to do a bit of an AAR, that way I get to learn a bit quicker rather than just by my mistakes. Cargol has gone one step further and we will be posting our AARs on the forum, so please feel free to comment on anything I do, say what you would have done, a bit of constructive criticism if you know what I mean.
A medium sized meeting engagement, don’t know the map, random weather. I didn’t mind which side by Cargol was kind enough to let me choose….so Brits it was.

Please comment on things as they go, ask questions. Just no spoilers in here if you are reading his AAR at the same time! There is obviously a lot more going on in my head than I've written down so ask away.

Assemble Forces
To be honest I’m still getting used to choosing my own troops and spending points efficiently, most of my games in the past have been the campaigns or single missions.
First step was to change the experience to Veteran and +1 Leadership, then to be honest I clicked ‘suggestion’ a few times. A few clicks later and Parachute Company, a couple of Sextons and some Shermans popped up. Not a bad mix but in need of some Artillery so I deleted one of the Shermans and a platoon of inf (I think) and went for a couple of Mortar sections and two TRPs. The antitank section has a Forward Observer party, not sure if that’s linked to the Mortars but I guess I’ll have to wait and see. If not then hopefully the increased leadership will come into play for HQ units to call things in a bit quicker. Like I said…I’m learning here.
Still a few points left over so some subtle changes to experience and leadership of a few key units (sniper, tanks and HQ teams) and all my points are used.
I’m hoping that the balance of force will work well. Arty of size small enough to be called in quick yet big enough to damage his men on the ground. I’ve found you need bigger things to take out vehicles, it takes too long to call in which just won’t work for a human opponent. Shemans pretty standard all rounders, the Sextons something a bit different I’m not sure I would have chosen myself, but hey, I like to have something a bit different in the mix.
Now just to see which map we are on and what the weather is like.

Setup Phase
Rain! Well that’s the first thing I hear as soon as it loads. Now I can see what I’ve spent my points on, overall a nice balanced mix I’m thinking. I now see I’ve no dedicated MG sections, nevermind, the MG’s on the armour will have to handle things. As luck would have it the HT has an extra PIAT and ammo in it so I allocate that to one of the platoons that doesn’t have one. Overall though, a lot of PIAT’s around (maybe too many but we’ll see).

The Map
The key features as I see them are the hill on the left where the dirt track almost touches my start area. Good cover for troops and less chance of bogging for vehicles.
Another feature is the large muddy field on my right flank. Avoid that with vehicles and too open for infantry to stay alive long.
There is a grassy field between him and the town.

The view from his end and the routes I think he’ll take.

From above you can see more buildings my side of the town and it being more open on his. Not sure how that will pan out. (for some reasons all the trees disappeared on this shot)

My plan/setup
Load the HT up with the FO and sniper, that to charge up the hill along the road and park behind a building and unload the FO and sniper who’ll make their way to good vantage points. 2 Platoon to quick forward alongside road for the first two turns and pause. After that maybe down through town depending on what happens. This will be my main thrust into town with the other infantry in reserve/holding the centre/my right flank.

The two Shermans and one Sexton to follow the HT, at the crest of the hill to get into positions beside the buildings with their focus on my left flank. There seems to be good FOV down to where I think Cargol may move vehicles/inf shielded by some trees. Also places a TRP down on my left flank. No arty planned as yet, we agreed none on setup zones, I think I’ll wait to see what happens keep my options open for calling it in as soon as I spot any movement. My final TRP on his edge of town.

Using the houses as cover I should have a pretty good control of the left flank, also a couple of good FOV’s down the centre if I need to pop out for a few shots.

The other half of the infantry move up the centre, take position and see what happens. The other Sexton to move forward over the muddy ground (risky I know) and check the FOV over the muddy field. If not good then I’ll move forward some more.
The DAC to make a very cheeky dash along the flank, hopefully he’ll cause some confusion.


His plan (I think)
Armour along the road as it is well shielded on his left flank by trees. Maybe inf up the middle or more likely along the right shielded by the trees.

I’m hoping my DAC will cause him to pause on the left. The Sexton there sit back and FOV permitting lob some shells his way. Fingers crossed his right flanks goes for the either the gap in the trees or he goes up the centre and my Shermans make it in position to be ready for him
Turn 1 results
So far so good, my armour all made it onto the road and only a slight hiccup when the HT became bogged for a second. All infantry on their way fine.
DAC heading along the right flank nicely and the Sexton on the right flank in it’s first position to check LOS over the muddy field.

Turn 1 orders
Most units have orders that still need to be finished. The HT will be at its drop-off point before the end of this turn so I plot the destinations for the three groups of passengers. Sniper out on the left flank, FO with by wall with view on the middle TRP and the HQ unit pushing forward into a building in the centre. I now realise this will leave the HT with only a driver and nobody on the .50 so order the HQ support unit up closer take over.
The Sexton on the right has an ok LOS as far as the centre buildings but not a very wide FOV so I hunt him forward a bit. DAC continues on the right flank, making a sharp left turn in through the trees about three quarters of the way along.

No sign of any enemy. Maybe the inf will spot some end of this turn when they get into position.
Thanks Dutch. The next file is waiting for me to load when I get home so should have an update soon. Depending on how quickly we turn things round maybe a couple of turns.

I think my inf are going to need a rest after this/next turn. The running through the mud is taking its toll. That works fine for me though as I was planning on keeping them in place for a turn or two to let them settle/spot things.
1.jpgHT at it's dropoff point. FO moving to wall where he should hopefully have a view of the road coming into the opposite side of the village. The first Sherman is moving past, it's finaly destination to be the end house. For some reason I only plotted the Sexton to move as far as it is in the picture so the other Sherman got a bit caught up.

FO in positon with the view down the road looking good. 1st Sherman still on it's way past, this also happens to be the same spot for the 2nd Sherman to stop.

End of turn positions for my left flank. 1st Sherman alomst at the house and sniper team on it's way to a building a little forward.

My infantry in the centre area still moving up. The Sexton supporting them has a fairly good view through the trees to the buildings/woods opposite the muddy field. I'll adjust the position of the Sexton slightly. Meanwhile the DAC turns in on my right flank.


Overall things going ok. But it is early days and no contact yet.

Wide angle view of final positions. I think all units still with some way to go finishing their first set of orders.

View from above


This shows how far across the map I've managed to get some of my troops. I've got to assume that he's got as far from his start point as well so can expect some contact next round....
Turn results

Contact! A few seconds into the turn and my Sherman is in position, almost immediatly he takes some fire from a PSW222 (pic shows the incoming rounds but for some reason not all the trees are getting captured in my screen grabs - don't worry, I get the hang of it later).

The scout car pulls back and avoids my return fire. The remainder of the round the Sherman sits happily lobbing HE shell towards groups of infantry in the woods moving along the flank. I'm beginning to think that my initial guess of his route is correct. All infantry so far with no more armour support.

The end of turn shot shows how much movement there has been.


The Sexton is in position but unfortunately hasn't spotted anything to shoot at. Sniper team in building and so far just spotting but not got any shots off.

FO team spots movement just as it's supporting Sherman stops in position and starts to turn to face down the road.

The end of turn view for my left flank. Note the Sherman by the FO team has spotted something. I'm hoping that I'll have all three pieces of armour shelling the inf on the left flank next turn.

On my right flank the DAC has moved into the trees. It hasn't spotted anything itself but from other indications I see things moving ahead. I order it to hunt forward with some caution.

Neither of my groups of infantry have spotted anything and I think they are safe to make a bit of a leap forward. Neither is as tired as I expected so I take a bit of a chance and order them all forward.

I have spotted two Panzer IV's in the centre that are supporting some infantry but I think I can safely get my men in the buildings on my side of town quite safely.


The action on my left flank continues, more infantry being engaged by my Sherman as they run the gauntlet of his HE.

Unfortunately the Sexton doesn't have LOS and stays quiet, the other Sherman does spot movement down the road and engages that.


You can also see my right set of infantry making a dash into the village. My luck seems to be holding and the ones being engaged by the Sherman seem to be small groups. The main force of infantry does indeed seem to be on my left flank. The Sherman there must be doing some damage but I need to think about giving it some support.

My inf dashing forward - me thinking they can make it to the buildings ok and still be safe from his tanks and smaller group of infantry down the road.

View from my end, you can see one of the two panzers spotted, both in the centre just behind his infantry moving up the centre. They seem to be holding back and supporting, hence me not moving too far into the village from my side.

End of turn positions (DAC and Sexton out of shot on the right)


The Sexton on the centre/right is in an ok position, it has a view into the trees of where I think his infantry will come. From this position he can hopefully support them but stay out of the line of fire from anything serious.


Infantry move forward to buildings with the Sexton ready to support.


I adjust the position of the other Sexton that hasn't been spotting long enough to engage. Hopefully the new position will have a view down to any of his inf on the edge of town.

One mistake I've made is with my HQ/FO teams and TRP so far. They've not been in good positions to call in call in arty. It'll take a few mins so I set a linear line of mortors across his suspected path. He may be passed this by the time it arrives but he may get as far as the edge and sit there with his tank support for a min or two.

On my left flank the Sherman continues to engage the infantry moving up the flank. No armour so far, just plenty of well disciplined infantry. I'm not sure his plan but there are some trees he could move towards me along, the Sherman needs some support and for now the HT with it's .50 cal will have to do so I order it to take up a spot just by the Sherman but so the house protects it's flank.

IT'S A HUMBER! Not a DAC like I've been calling it all along. But hey, easy mistake to make, fairly similar.....but anyway...still no contact for it yet but I leave it where it is...maybe next turn.



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Superb reading edde! You are really detailed in your overviews and down in the weeds. I feel I'm practically reading a history piece. Well done.
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