AAR-Cargol vs Edde (Edde keep out :happy:)



The battle in which we are going to fight is a Medium ME,daytime,random weather,Elite level.
I m going to fight as Axis while Edde as Alllies.
Stay tuned for more.
I ve purchased 1x Grenadier Coy(mot) of regular quality,1xPlt of PZIVH(late) together with the Coys HQ Pzer,a total of 6 Pzers.
For recon purposes i ve bought to PSW 222.
My plan goes like this : Left flank consists of 1xPlt of Grenadiers and will provide flanking while the main force made up by 1x Grenadier Plt, the Pzer Plt,1SPW 222 and the 2 88mm Mortars will advance towards the objective area.Right flank forces,1x Grenadier Plt together with an armoured car will cover the right flank and if conditions are favourable will try to out flank the Allied forces helping in this way the main(central effort)
Nice screenshot. It's raining, correct. Better keep your fingers crossed for the mkIV tracks to stay where they are supposed too!!!!!!!
Indeed the weather condition is rain and the ground is muddy.
I m hoping that i wont have any PzIVH lost due to ground conditions.
4th minute in the battle.
A)My left plt has taken positions in order to cover the flank of my main effort.
B) Main force is advancing towards the objective without encountering any enemy so far.
C)Right Plt is under haevy fire coming from tanks and SP Artillery.Plt after suffering 5 casualties is falling back as any attempt for advance will result in heavy casualties.
Plt will adopt defensive stance and for the moment will rally its troops.The open right flank of the main force will be covered by a PZIVH which will be dispatched for this reason.
D) SPW 222 has reached West outskirts of the village where the objective is located.
A) A fast moving unknown enemy unit was spotted probably moving in order to outflank our forces.
B) A Sexton was spotted.
C)Main British force was spotted and consists of 2 Sherman III,2 Sexton and one M5 HT.
The passengers of HT are paratroopers so that lead us to assume that we are going to fight against well trained veteran forces.
Looking to be an interesting battle. He might over extend on your right and setup your middle to do some serious damage to his exposed flank.
At the moment my right flank (C) is getting hammered by his armour, suffered a few more casualties and i m trying to disengage.
I think that i should either recon better before i commit my Inf Plt or send a couple of Pzers to support my infantry.
On the other hand i hope that he will be distracted by my Infantry as im adavncing my armour at my center.
7th minute:My center is advancing and currently 1 Inf Squad is inside the objective area.I ve lost a PZIVH after a brief firefight with a Sexton,an unlucky moment if u ask me as i ve had the first shot and altough i ve managed 3 hits i couldnt take it out.
At my left a Humber which tried to outflank my forces was destroyed by a Panzer of mine.
At my right my Inf PlT has suffered around 40% casualties and at the moment i m just holding my ground trying to rally my troops.

Update: i ve lost another PZIVH and a truck(thankfully i ve unloaded all the mortar ammunition) plus few soldiers mainly from tankfire.
I ve expanded the Plt which is covering my left(North) flank a bit towards North without engaging any enemy.At my right i ve started relocate my troops towards the center as im still receiving tank fire.
At my center my Infantry and armour are keep moving forward and although they received multiple Piat rounds they didnt suffer any damage.A Sexton was destroyed together with 2 AT teams.
My mortars have fired to suspected enemy positions with unknown results.
2 Squads of Paratroopers were observed moving towards my center.
My center is advancing and i have under control half of the objective area.I dont know if in the other half there are enemy units but i ll
try to find it out in the near future.As for casualties i ve lost another PZIVH while i ve destroyed a Sherman and scored a penetration hit to another one and forced it to retreat.So far our loses in hardware are balanced:2 PZIVH and a SPW222 for the Axis and 1 armoured car,1Sexton and 1 Sherman for the Allies.
Wonderful AAR Cargol! Love the overhead views, really give a sense as to how things are positioned.
Thanks for the kind words,i ll try to post more often to keep it interesting :)
8 minutes left.
My attempt to push forward has failed and now i must switch to defense with whatever forces i ve left and try to
hold to the objective area.
I ve lost two more PZIVHs while i ve destroyed a Sexton.The Brits are pounding the objective area with artillery fire and an infantry section was observed advancing towards the center of the objective.
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