


Ok ive just got all 3 SF modules, will(roadiemullet) very kindly gave me his second registration keys.

Im just looking for a bit of advice from those of you who've been playing this a while.

First of all, when playing with mechanised infantry what do you do with your infantry squads? Generally ive been keeping them in their APCs as i think they'll be a lot more protected there than they will be on the open sand, however if you accidentally push your APCs into the sight of a t-72 there's not a lot between your troops and the big fat shell thats coming straight for them.

The other question is, what are the different terrain types in SF? for example i see bits of brush and some rocks in the game, but as it doesn't show the terrain a unit is in like it does in CM1 its hard to tell if this actually gives them any cover bonus.
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