Afghanistan is a no win situation.

The Netherlands will be pulling back their forces this year (end of august), but now there is a majority in parliament which wants to start a new mission: training of Afghan policemen. If it goes on, the mission will consist of police personnel and military to protect the police personnel (?!)
An sssymmetric war ALWAYS is a 'no win' situation. Besides, there still is the problem that we effectively try to govern a land of which we do know squat and which has functioned comparatively well without foreign interference. Thing is: Now that we have interfered, we can#t just walk away and expect things to sort themselves out on their own...
I heard Obama say on TV a year ago something like- "Our aim in Afghanistan is not to defeat the Taliban but to contain them and prevent them spreading their influence in the region"
There you have it folks, Obie doesn't want to defeat them.
I heard Obama say on TV a year ago something like- "Our aim in Afghanistan is not to defeat the Taliban but to contain them and prevent them spreading their influence in the region"
There you have it folks, Obie doesn't want to defeat them.

Because he knows you can never "defeat" them, take paramilitaries in Northern Ireland, we've had an official peace for over 10 years now right? we still have nutters shooting people and blowing stuff up, fortunately at an extremely low level of activity.

And no an asymmetrical war is not allways a lose lose situation. Take Northern Ireland and (i think) Malaya
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