It's a winter's Sunday evening here in the UK. I haven't got any PBEM turns waiting, so being a reltive new comer to FGM - two years now - I thought I'd check out some of the most popular threads on the CM2 page, here at FGM.
I came across a belter of a comment from @Facman which made me laugh out loud.
Just to put it in contxt, the comment was made not long after CMBN's release. Some guy who is no longer with us at FGM gave a short and rather disparaging review of CMBN:
Skipping ahead a few comments, Rico replied:
To which our CMBN reviewer friend replied:
Great stuff Facman, glad I made it to the gathering!
I came across a belter of a comment from @Facman which made me laugh out loud.
Just to put it in contxt, the comment was made not long after CMBN's release. Some guy who is no longer with us at FGM gave a short and rather disparaging review of CMBN:
After installing and loading first mission I remarked: This looks like 3D Close Combat. After trying a small test with a platoon of US Infantry against a squad of Germans I remarked: That felt and looked like Theatre of War.
Thank you.
Skipping ahead a few comments, Rico replied:
It's interesting how some players make up their minds about a game based on a few minutes demo and will condem a game for a few flaws and mistakes. Boy, all the guys here playing and enjoying CMBN must be a bunch of chumps. eace:
To which our CMBN reviewer friend replied:
blind and stupid bunch of chumps - lets say :amen:
~stands in front of the gathering~
"Hi, my name is Chump, and I am glad to see so many of my brethren here."
Great stuff Facman, glad I made it to the gathering!