Alternative to CM helper



i just cant figure out how to set it up properly. are there any alternatives?
"Whose turn is it" is the one I use...designed by out own Canadian Cat.
A great alternative that I highly recommend is no helper at all. never used one, don't see the need.
actually u might be right, i just cant figure out neither whosturnisit or cmhelper
Well I work, and CM is just one of many things that I enjoy. I CBA to remember which turns I sent/are waiting to recieve.
I usually have 4-8 going at once. How hard is it to see if there's a new file in the Drop Box folder? Never saw the need for Helper
Hey if that works for you great. I personally kept forgetting and found it a pain to remember which turn number was the last one I did. Which was why I wrote Whose Turn Is It? - the firest version of which did not move files itself just told me which games had new turns to play. It did not take long of manually copying files before I decided the computer should be doing that not me :)
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