Amazon Kindle Military History freebie!


One of the Few

The Battle of Hurtgen Forest by Charles Whiting

It was the longest battle ever fought by the US Army, Thirty thousand American GIs were killed or wounded. A battle that has been ignored for more than fifty years - and one that should never have been fought. From September 1944 to February 1945, eight US infantry and two US armoured divisions were thrown into the `green hell of Hurtgen': fifty square miles of thick, rugged, hilly woods on the Belgian-German border, full of German soldiers in a deadly network of concrete bunkers. The butcher's bill was high; casualty rates ran to 50 per cent and more for most rifle companies. The High Command, from the relative comfort and security of their headquarters, miles away from the forest, refused to admit there had been a mistake. Careers, and the pride of the army, were at stake.

Charles Whiting is the author of numerous history books on the Second World War. Under the pen name of Leo Kessler he also wrote a series of bestselling military thrillers, including `Guns at Cassino' and `Valley of the Assassins'.

Also available on Amazon UK, Canada, and Australia. Get one before they're gone. Macht schnell, Kameraden!
Great news. Just got one, it also work on

Charles Whiting is the author of numerous history books on the Second World War. Under the pen name of Leo Kessler he also wrote a series of bestselling military thrillers, including `Guns at Cassino' and `Valley of the Assassins'.

Didn't know that ... learn something new every day ... actually have that book in my library in paperback :)
Downloaded, many thanks.

The film "When Trumpets Fade" is based during the Battle of Hurtgen Forest, although that is the only historical aspect of it, as far as I know.
One of my favorites and if you've not already seen it, I recommend you do.

It came out around the same time as "Saving Private Ryan" but was overshadowed by it and didn't receive the recognition it deserved, in my opinion anyway.
Charles Whiting is the author of numerous history books on the Second World War. Under the pen name of Leo Kessler he also wrote a series of bestselling military thrillers, including `Guns at Cassino' and `Valley of the Assassins'.

Didn't know that ... learn something new every day ... actually have that book in my library in paperback :)

Ditto, I read loads of Sven Hassel & Leo Kessler back in the day and own a helluva lot of the Whiting military histories in paperback.

Anyways picked up the kindle edition TY
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