Another question...


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
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...Is there an english (hey Zaraza :) ) term for "Ordensburg"? Means a castle like "Vogelsang" or the "Wewelsburg". And I need a translation for "Appellplatz". I found "place for roll call" (it´s to long), "mustering ground" or "parade ground". But sounds wrong for me. I would vote for "drill ground" but I´m not sure. What do You say?

I dont know, i could only guess what it wil be on Serbian :):)
Parade ground is common for where one would practice marching drills.
Parade ground, drill field are generic but accurate enough. In the US Marine Corps, we call it the Parade Deck.
...Is there an english (hey Zaraza :) ) term for "Ordensburg"? Means a castle like "Vogelsang" or the "Wewelsburg". And I need a translation for "Appellplatz". I found "place for roll call" (it´s to long), "mustering ground" or "parade ground". But sounds wrong for me. I would vote for "drill ground" but I´m not sure. What do You say?

What happens at an Ordensburg?
Orden means medal, and burg means castle, so is an Ordensburg a place where people go to get medals? I don't think we have places like that in Britain.

Appell means rollcall, and Platz means place, so the British equivalent would be 'parade ground', all Brit military bases and camps have them, they're used for parades, drills, musters, ceremonies etc.
@POS: "Ordensburg" has nothing in common with medals. It´s a monastery what also was used as a castle for the fighting monks and so on. The Templars especially the Knights Templar were such an Orden. And the SS had a few Ordensburgen like Vogelsang or Wewelsburg. There they celebrated their ceremonials/rites. "Orden" can be too a group or an association with special ceremonials - not only medals and so on.

@all: Thanks again! So it will be the parade ground. It´s a little funny because I have to think on parades everytime I hear it. But in my scenario it is a little place in a forest where a military area is. There wouldn´t a parade happen. We will see. Thank You guys!

Greetings :)
Ach sooo.. I think 'Ordensburg' could be translated as 'Meeting Hall', any building where members of an order or group can meet.
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