Any noobs here?



I don't know if there are any newcomers to CM here, but if they want to learn by playing experienced players, they can do it in the FGM CM Tactics Academy where the results won't go on the ladder..:)

Likewise, if there are people who aren't exactly noobs but feel they've gone a bit rusty because they haven't played for a while,or feel they lack experience, they can use the Academy to de-rust themselves without having it reported on the ladder.

In fact anybody can use the Academy for non-ladder games, it doesn't matter if they're experienced or not, the advantage is that they can have fun trying new tactics and moves etc without worrying about losing.
For example there are some scenarios around that seem unbalanced, so one player could take the weaker side and enjoy the challenge of seeing if he can win..:)

The Academy is therefore a flexible tool where players can arrange all sorts of games for fun..:)

(Of course, for any Academy game, players can agree beforehand to report the results on the ladder if they want to)
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