Anyone going to get NATO?


Earl of Grey

Now that the NATO module for CMSF is nearly arrived I wnted to ask if anyone of you guys is gonna get it 'cause I certainly am and can't wait to put German equipment to good use in a modern setting. :biggrin1:

Meaning: Whoever of you buys that module, consider yourselves challenged - and it doesn't matter which nation you're gonna play.
Um... Have you taken alook at how much you'll actually get? It's more than just "a few additional units".
Recently i bought the two modules and i must admit that the game plays much better now.
BUT 35$ is too much for a single module and i prefer to keep my money for CMN.
(Now that CMSF family,with the NATO module, is over next game should be CMN)
Honestly: I don't understand it either why they'd make a simple module that expensive but that's what it is. I can understand your concerns and would have been quite hard-pressed myself, but I'm in no position to complain since I will most likely get it for free anyway.

Too bad - I hoped I could play a few games against some of you with the Germans... :RpS_sad:
I cant be bothered to find the exact post, but somebody made a really good point on BFC

It was in relation to an article that said for boutique wargaming companies like BF in order to get the quality of game and due to the limited market games would have to start costing $200+. Now the great thing about the modules means both BF can split up the work and start making money, and if the consumer only wants a small amount of the content they can get that without buying the rest.

I will be buying it, mainly to support BF (with CMA out and CMN iminent I don't know how much I will play it) but still significantly because there will be a lot of new kit and scenarios in it.

Also even if you don't buy NATO you still get a free patch that gives you quite a few game engine improvements such as ammo sharing and improved QB maps.

Oh and earl, challenge accepted. Your germans vs my brits? : )
Btw the purchase price on this is $25 dollars for either download only or hard copy, $35 is the price for both
I wont buy it , I never liked CMSF it is a **** poor game

That's your opinion. I wanted to nkow who will buy the module not who dislikes the game. Oh, and and if you already dislike CMSF you'll probabaly dislike CMN as well. You have been warned.
Climb down off your high horse please, no need to get grumpy :-D
I would rather throw myself down a flight of stairs than to give Battlefront or their minions another dime of my money for their past treacherous deeds!
Lord Bane
Climb down off your high horse please, no need to get grumpy :-D

I'm simply tired of remarks like that. Have you at least tried the game? And know what? CMSF isn't exactly my most favorite game either, but they happen to include the German Army with NATO and for that I'm grateful.

I would rather throw myself down a flight of stairs than to give Battlefront or their minions another dime of my money for their past treacherous deeds!

I suppose that means 'no'.
Climb down off your high horse please, no need to get grumpy :-D

Earl of Grey is probably trying to win a grump ribbon..:)
Who can forget that classic line from "Cross of Iron" when Sgt Steiner says- "I'll show you where the grump ribbons grow"..:)
...but they happen to include the German Army with NATO and for that I'm grateful.
Just remember to be realistic when you play the Germans. Keep them on their bases with plenty of beer....and NO night missions!
Lord Bane
Earl of Grey is probably trying to win a grump ribbon..:)
Who can forget that classic line from "Cross of Iron" when Sgt Steiner says- "I'll show you where the grump ribbons grow"..:)

Okay, okay, not having the best week right now. Sorry.

Just remember to be realistic when you play the Germans. Keep them on their bases with plenty of beer....and NO night missions!

Difficult to win the campaign like that... But I'll have lost the campaign completeley if I should accumulate more than 15% overall casualties (I think) because my force becomes combat ineffective. Oh, and I don't get ANY reinforcements.

That in real life our army doesn't do much isn't the fault of our soldiers but our politicians and the constitution explicitely forbidding us to wage an offensive war. But we wouldn't invade Syria in the first place so... :biggrin1:
Difficult to win the campaign like that... But I'll have lost the campaign completeley if I should accumulate more than 15% overall casualties (I think) because my force becomes combat ineffective. Oh, and I don't get ANY reinforcements.

I think It is 15% casualties in any mission, not accumulated. Mind you if you hit 15% accumulated casualties you'll probably find it difficult.

I've just started the dutch campaign, its a bit of a monster mission to start with.
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