Arma 10th April Sunday 12:30 GMT


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Ok let's get this Arma ball rolling again.
I'll be hosting and we'll do a some vanilla mission like Escape from Altis/Stratis (unless you people have something you wanna try).
So only mods needed are gonna be CBA and TFAR.

Some screens from today. Only got some from the mission where we had to destroy the CSAT arty and supply trucks in their logistics base. Septic was our "eyes in the sky" manning the uav, directing us around and notifying us of enemies. Names are from left to right.

Ith and Vart prepare to head further into the compound to destroy the supply trucks. The arty had been destroyed by this point, and Nathangun and I had been killed.

Ith showing off his new marksman rifle he took off my dead body. Forever the scrounger!

Vart's sensitive touch and whispered sweet-nothings heal Ith of his injuries.

Vart taking out an Ifrit...

...and waxing several CSAT soldiers. Mr. One Man Army.

Our resident pack rat finds himself burdened down with 60+ medkits. Because preparedness. Or maybe he just saw each one as a potential purple heart and was hoping to use them all to add to his sig line count.

Ith leaves a little present for CSAT. What they received were pieces of four destroyed supply trucks.

Vart and Ith high-tail it out of the area to link back up with Septic.

Ith, Septic and Vart link up and resupply before heading toward the exfil area.

The angel on our shoulders. Septic recovers the UAV.

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Good mission that one.

For the record Vart has cold hands, (I miss @Nelson1812 's tender medico touch). ;) All those medkits came from your rotting corpse Rambler when I raced over to pick up your gear under fire and simply told ARMA to 'Re-Arm as Marksman.' That rifle came in handy given we had another tower to clear prior to getting close to the supply trucks. Septic's intel reading made this one a sucess.
I work early all week so an early morning on the weekends is tough. Hopefully I will be able to make it next time.
I'm part of a rather large Arma clan called Rifling Matters. They are Aussie's so their mission nights are at a funny time.... Here's one of our videos, excellently made by one of our members: Duckruster.

And here's me single handedly winning a TvT match after my whole team was wiped out during an assault.. ha.

Bad ass sh1t, good fun all the guys shouting you along.

Yes indeed. It was funny for me to watch this video, because of course with Task Force Radio you can't hear the dead people talking while you're still alive and playing. The last two kills you see, I had actually picked up an enemy radio and was giving them false information on 'contacts' ... that enabled me to sneak up behind them and finish the job!
Well if you can be around Monday and Tuesday mornings you can ... I'm self employed so often play then with the Aussies...
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