Arma 3 17 July 0700 CST (1200 UTC)

I'm going to try and join. I traveling in the morning, then flying late afternoon but I might be able to get an hour or two in

Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
Still haven't replaced my headset yet. Petty cash fund is being assaulted by mechanical issues with the truck.
@DoubleD - Perfect. This is a great mission to just pop in and out if you have to.

@Septic Limb - As the saying goes, if it's got tits or wheels it will eventually give you problems. Sux man, hope your coffers get replenished soon!
Had a fun time, was great to be back in. Looking good for next weekend. Rambled, if it helps for men to host I'm happy to, just let me know so I can set up the server

Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
Had a fun time, was great to be back in. Looking good for next weekend. Rambled, if it helps for men to host I'm happy to, just let me know so I can set up the server

Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk

No offence Double I actually get better ping to the US than Europe, so much so my flying improves tenfold. ;) (Will play whoever hosts).
Thanks for the offer Double! However, for our Liberation campaign, I have to host it since all the game stats, settings and whatnot are saved to a variables file connected to my profile. It's not too bad hosting since the mission has a setting that scales the AI amount to be manageable for local hosts. At least I haven't gotten any complaints yet :D.
For the FGMers who lurk here and watch us from afar, here's where we stand after yesterday's session:

and a close up of our AO in northeastern part of the island:

We took a military installation, Delfinaki Base, commanding high ground in the area (on which we promptly established FOB Bravo) after a bitter fight, the towns of Delfinaki and Ioannina, and wrecked a CSAT logistics FOB in the far northwestern corner of the island by staging an assault from our island base, Chimera. Hitting the logistics base will hamper CSAT responses to our attacks.

The goal of the mission is to capture and hold the seven major cities on Altis, denoted by the large box with the mountain in it. We've essentially cut the northeastern peninsula in two, isolating Molos.
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Sure can. Don't know about everyone else, but I'm really enjoying this mission and would like to see it through. Doesn't mean we have to play it every weekend, tho.
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