ARMA 3 ideas


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
And now for something completely different!

As strange as is seems, ARMA and CM have a lot of synergies. 'Eh, what?' I hear you say. They are both squad based tactical mil sims. 'How can they be similar?' you say again?

The scenario is as follows; eight players, four each side. A team vs. team match. There is a Blue force and a Red force Platoon Commander, each a player. Each side has three squads, each squad has a player in command of an AI squad. That is four versus four.

Some objectives, bang you have a QB engagement scenario. Maybe add seem 'off map' mortars for high command.

We would need a guaranteed 8 player turn out. Only modes would be TFAR for radio comms and ACE, you can heal your AI teams.
[edit] Drop ACE, nothing more frustrating than your AI Combat Medic looking blankly at you wondering what an Epi is whilst you bleed out.

Post comments and your names here for enrollment.
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Sounds interesting - without healing. Also the mortars need to be improved before they should be included. Currently they are too accurate and fast.
@DoubleD - Sorry couldn't tell you sooner, but you've probably seen the BF - FGM announcement by now. We may have some club newbies stopping by over the coming months with dome drifting towards dabbling in ARMA. :D
Sounds interesting - without healing. Also the mortars need to be improved before they should be included. Currently they are too accurate and fast.

Valid point. I saw mortars, along with re-supply and helicopter transport, as Platoon Command level assets. For mortar I thought this would be indirect, using grid ref communication between Squad Leaders and Platoon Command only, disabled map markers and typing chat would force radio comms. Anyone who's tried calling in mortar fire via grid ref will know how tough it is.

First few minutes.

There would be a cool down period, 10 minutes, between each mortar volley. Perhaps only 3 volleys.

Same with supply drops, 1 per squad, can only be called in by Platoon commander. 1 transport heli, once its destroyed it's gone.

Nothing is fixed, people's thoughts?

@DoubleD - Sorry couldn't tell you sooner, but you've probably seen the BF - FGM announcement by now. We may have some club newbies stopping by over the coming months with dome drifting towards dabbling in ARMA. :D

Didn't see this post, more ARMA cannon fodder :salute:
I actually enjoy the challenge of commanding AI units and think PvP commanding AI units is even better.
I did this quite a bit when I played the PvP Warfare mod in ArmA2.
I look forward to what you are planning Double. Sign me up.
Voice activated commands for ArmA can work quite well.
There is a guy Jester814 who makes quite a few videos of him playing using them quite effecvtively:

Here are some other basic AI command/voice command videos from others:
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