ArmA 3 session on Sunday January 12th - 12:00 GMT


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Alright, vacation time over and we'll be having a Stargate-special.

With Project Prometheus underway our need for Naquadah and Trinium is greatly increased. This is especially true for Naquadah, even acquiring tiny scraps of the material would be useful.
Fortunately our Tok'ra allies have provided us intel about recent events on the planet designated on our star charts as P3X-115. P3X-115 belongs to the minor System Lord Moloc and until recently has been an unimportant backwater planet with minimal Goa'uld presence. A vein of Naquadah has now been discovered near where the planet's Stargate is located and Moloc's forces have set up a preliminary mining operation.
We have a window of opportunity to act before the enemy forces on the planet get reinforced.

A strike force will hit the mines to disrupt the mining operation and most importantly grab any Naquadah ore they can find and then retreat back through the gate to SGC.
Here is a map of the area provided by the Tok'ra.
Miners are local human slaves as typical of Goa'uld regimes so do not shoot the miners.

According to Tok'ra reports enemy ground troop presence is minimal, just Jaffa foot soldiers with no heavy equipment. Moloc's armies are quite small compered to other System Lords and he hasn't had the chance to deploy extra troops to the planet yet.
The gate is usually guarded by a 3-4 man team.
A wing of Death Gliders is on the planet but they are stationed quite far away, if we are fast enough we might not have to deal with them

Friendly forces
SG-teams SG-3, SG-12 and SG-15 will make up the strike force with a cargo variant of the M.A.L.P.-drone available.
Iris code for the whole strike group is 2771997.

Modern V8A + Stargate ARMA Beta

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Server Port: 2302
TS address:
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Here is a guide on how the GDO works in the mod, which is required to be able to return to Stargate Command safely. Earth stargate is protected by a device called the Iris, which is basically a leaf shutter made of titanium and when it's closed it sits so close to the wormhole's event horizon that matter transported through the gate can't reintegrate, resulting in that object's or person's atoms splattering against the iris.

First pick up a GDO via the vanilla action menu.

The GDO doesn't show up in the normal inventory
Then press shift+i to bring up a menu pictured in the next screenshot.
Then click "inventory" on the left, now click the GDO icon which should show up on the right and then click use item at the lower part of the menu.

Now this menu should appear. Click on the number buttons to input the code and lastly click on the button with the small green dot to transmit.
The screen on the device should also read transmitting

If you've sent correct code then "Code Verified" should read on the screen and it's now safe to step through the gate.

You can back out of any of these menus by pressing esc.
Thank you for including the wiki links.
I'll get the mod ready on the server.
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