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ArmA 3 session on Sunday May 19th - 12:00 GMT / 13:00 CET / 14:00 EET


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Following on from @Redbully mission.

Our attack on the pirates terrorising the Serpents Strait has provoked a response.

There is a small independent island to the south east of Malaynia whose government is in the process of collapsing. Drug cartels and various local organised crime groups are now running large parts of the once tourist rich island. A small NGO has been operating in the south eastern towns in an attempt to prevent a humanitarian crisis, however most of the western world doesn't care because the island has little in the way of large scale globally needed resources.

As of yesterday this changed. Warlords leading the pirates attacking western shipping in the Serpents Strait hit the island, and hit it hard. It appears they are proactively hunting for western hostages, either in an attempt to secure negotiating assets, or to exact revenge for the Malaynia raid by the USMC.

We have been transferred from the AAS USS Khe Sanh to the Destroyer USS Freedom overnight, and it is sailing full steam to the islands.

We are to insert as soon as we are within range. Our obective is to extract any western civilians, or bodies. Everyone is coming home.

We are to avoid making the situation worse. ROE is fire when fired upon and we are to prevent collateral damage either in the local populace, governmental military or police forces that are trying to stabilise the situation.

However, if fired upon we are weapons free to engage with the full fury of the USMC.


FGM ARMA 3 Modset

Currently the FGM squad is using the following modlists for our ArmA 3 sessions. Most (all) of our modlist use ACE and ACRE as a base for enhanced realism and immersion. For difficulty settings we use First Person on foot and no crosshair. Teamspeak and server IP-address is usually announced on...
FGM - Modern V7A

Server IP:
Server Port: 2302
TS address: srv32.ts3.hu:4000
We are to avoid making the situation worse. ROE is fire when fired upon and we are to prevent collateral damage either in the local populace, governmental military or police forces that are trying to stabilise the situation.
Can't make any promises...
I might be a bit late.
Also ACE was just updated and the painkillers should work now. They were bugged and didn't function with the basic medical settings we are using.
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I might be a bit late.
Also ACE was just updated and the painkillers should work now. They were bugged and didn't function with the basic medical settings we are using.
Yea we had to run the update to test the mission. They also made a setting to add earplugs.