ArmA 3 session Sunday 28th May - 12:00 BST / 13:00 CET


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score

This time we'll be jumping to Sicily with the 82nd Airborne. Our mission is to take hold of positions held by Italian coastal troops and hold the area until relieved.
Slot's for 12 players


We'll be using the WW2 set. I don't think we've played with WW2 since adding the Port Layete and WW2 Tanks mods to the list, so make sure you're up to date.

Server IP:
Server Port: 2672
Password: FBM
TS address:
A little protip if one of you is gonna be the machinegunner or their assistant.
There is a little quirk with the Browning M1919A4 that can make you lose ammo to the warp if you're not careful.
How the MMG works is there is the gun itself, which you can use without it being on the tripod it's just very difficult to control. This weapon goes to your rifle slot in the inventory like normal long arms.
Then there is the tripod which goes to the launcher slot in your inventory. That way a single person can carry both the MG and tripod. You deploy the tripod just by opening your inventory and dropping the it to the ground, now you can set the gun on it via the action menu.
Now to the part about losing ammo.
As you can see there is a slot for ammo in the tripod. This effectively gives you a slot to carry one extra belt but when you place the tripod on ground the ammo in that slot is deleted. And when you pick up the tripod again that empty slot is automatically filled from your inventory if you have any belts there.
So you should take care to move the belt from the tripod slot in to your inventory or to the ground before placing the tripod, otherwise you'll lose ammo to the ether.
Here is the look I cobbled together for the Italians. I'll break down what I used and what they are substituting for, incase anyone is interested.
NF mod has two pieces of Italian equipment; the M33 helmet and the M38 Carcano carbine so those are obviously used.
Uniforms are the variant of the Norwegian uniform that has this teensy bit of green tint to it. Some of the Italian WW2 uniforms were greenish-grey.
Belts for the riflemen are the Norwegian rifleman belts, SMG mag pouch is a soviet one for stick mags and the officer has a Finnish officer belt. For bags I've used Finnish bread bags and gasmask bags.
M31 SMG is standing in for the Beretta Model 38 since the stock and receiver have some resemblence. Used with 20 and 50 round stick mags since the Beretta 38 had 20 and 40 rounders available.
For pistols the the Finnish L-35 is standing in for Glisenti Model 1910 they share a similar looking profile and the Walther PPK subsitutes for Beretta M1935 and the Ruby pistol since all of them are pocket pistols in .32 ACP.
For LMG I went with the Madsen LMG since wiki claims[with citation needed] there were Madsens used by Italy chambered in 6.5×52mm Carcano. I was unable to find any pictures of said 6.5 Madsens or Madsens with Italian soldiers but whatever.
For tanks I was thinking this:
T-26 for M13/40 since both of them are based on the Vickers 6-ton (aka Mark E).
T-20 armored tractor for L3/33 tankette (aka CV 33) since both are tiny two man vehicles with forward facing MG armament.
T-38 for the FIAT 3000 since both are small two man MG only armed tanks.
And finally the Sdkfz.231 can stand in for the Autoblindo 41.

Also been having ton of fun make these scenes for the screencaps. The pose of the guy who's left of the officer is literally called "w_italian" in the animation viewer.
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