ArmA 3 session Sunday 4th July - 12:00 BST – British Summer Time


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Operation Bakewell Tart (Campaign Overview)

We're back trying to find the other 4 insurgent HQ's, gonna make sure nobody in Tanoa thinks about independence ;)

Maybe we can complete a side mission successfully for a change :ROFLMAO:. Everyone welcome, newcomers or seasoned ARMA vets.

Mod list (there's nothing super big)
CBA_A3 -
Zeus Enhanced -
LAMBS_Suppression -
LAMBS_Danger.fsm -
Task Force Arrowhead Radio -
Compat mod -
ALiVE - (AI Heli transport)
DUI Radar -
Enhanced Movement - (special dance moves)
Enhanced Movement Rework - (SUPER special dance moves)
That was an exciting series of missions.
Many ARMA firsts for me stood out...

Waiting on edge for my 50 cal vehicle MG to reload, while an RPG guy ran towards us!
Seeing our brewed up AFV get towed back to base by a truck, for a fix-up!
Landing in a chopper, only to have it blow up after we disembarked, wounding everyone!
Giving @Gnarly CPR and then carrying him to safety!
Trying to follow @Vartuoosi and @Aurelius in the pitch-black jungle without night vision...and even having some firefights along the way! I got at least 2 enemy by seeing them lit up by their own gun-flashes.
In one pitch black firefight I threw a grenade...then realised it probably wasn't a good idea. Luckily it didn't bounce off a tree and land at my feet!

I got 21 enemies - a personal best.
Partly because in the village I propped up my LMG on its bipod, only to have a whole enemy squad come at me from the jungle!

Thanks for the experience guys.
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What happened with that last chopper crash? Were we shot down or did the AI fly into trees? We were going quite low.
I liked the Badger IFV gameplay. I saw the IED too late, but I think we all were tunnel vision-ing...

I also keep wondering why the suicide bombers target me specifically...
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What happened with that last chopper crash? Were we shot down or did the AI fly into trees? We were going quite low.
I think it was the electronic interference from the objective. The heli engines kept cutting out :oops:. Once the 3 objectives were destroyed the heli that came to pick us up was fine. Good to know. Also, apologies @Aurelius& @Gnarly, you were both out for quite a while, boring for you, but I’m really reluctant to interfere with Zeus, otherwise I might as well do it all the time and it kinda negates the whole risk of being shot and we start to go back to battlefield style game play.

We could do with 2 medics. Only medic can give blood, and this really restricts the recovery ability. We also need to have a more combined loadout, with various members carrying key Medical kit like blood.

Thanks to all who joined and to @Aurelius for leading the ops (y)
We could do with 2 medics. Only medic can give blood, and this really restricts the recovery ability. We also need to have a more combined loadout, with various members carrying key Medical kit like blood.
If we analyze the ops, there were two mass casualty events. One with a suicide bomber - a legit combat encounter. The other was when Gnarly went to look for the objective, got separated and found an IED the hard way. While we were looking for him, I got into a fight with three bots and got shot to pieces. We can clearly see that the other mass casualty event was the product of poor communication and poor decision making, mainly me as an rifleman and as the team leader. Then again, we were playing for three hours already and that takes its toll...

Massive thanks to Vart (and his side-kick Concord) for spending an awful long time (and a large amount of blood!) attempting to patch me! Their conversations with each other over my unconscious form were most amusing, and I can definitely say that Concord has an excellent bedside manner with an unresponsive team-mate. He can also put on a pretty good tune when carrying afore-mentioned team mate to an RV!!!

But the irony of having been unconscious for 20+ minutes, to then be finally conscious (thanks again Vart and helpers), load into a chopper with spare blood bags, then KABOOM 5 (?) less than minutes later!?! GAH!!
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We can clearly see that the other mass casualty event was the product of poor communication and poor decision making
I resemble that remark... :p

We could do with 2 medics. Only medic can give blood, and this really restricts the recovery ability. We also need to have a more combined loadout, with various members carrying key Medical kit like blood.

Do you have a simple mission somewhere that one could practice (solo & locally) medic stuff? I remember (a year ago?) you had one when you introduced ACE medical?
We also need to have a more combined loadout, with various members carrying key Medical kit like blood.

Perhaps we should consider an ideal loadout for non-medics.
Blood always seems to get used up quickly. Splints as well?
I noticed that in ACE, there's many varieties of bandages too.

P.S. I will always be taking night vision from now on - even in daytime scenarios!
That was the first time I saw the sun set into full night during a mission.
Do you have a simple mission somewhere that one could practice (solo & locally) medic stuff? I remember (a year ago?) you had one when you introduced ACE medical?
I have one but the ACE medical settings are local client/server driven so you won’t have the same ACE settings as the server, and I don’t know what they are. ACE has a LOT of settings s I think it’s best to practice on the server. We could do a quick refresh on the day, it’ll be fresh in everyone’s mind then as well.

Perhaps we should consider an ideal loadout for non-medics.
Blood always seems to get used up quickly. Splints as well?
I noticed that in ACE, there's many varieties of bandages too.

P.S. I will always be taking night vision from now on - even in daytime scenarios!
That was the first time I saw the sun set into full night during a mission.
Load outs can be made public for other people to use. I’ll set some up for the basic infantry roles and then people can take and tweak as they wish, different guns etc. Would the preference be that loads have weapons or without, then people can add as they wish? Ideally we’d all use similar weapons and the same ammo so this can be shared as well.

The type of bandages doesn’t matter, they all do the same thing with the ACE settings on the server.
Yeah, like get rid of all the junk like that can of red spray paint.
Get rid of sidearms maybe too.

A couple grenades, couple smokes, a demo. Just some essentials plus medic stuff. Night vision too maybe?
Then we choose weapon, attachments, ammo. I like that HK machinegun thingie. Pew! Pew! :)
I have one but the ACE medical settings are local client/server driven so you won’t have the same ACE settings as the server, and I don’t know what they are. ACE has a LOT of settings s I think it’s best to practice on the server. We could do a quick refresh on the day, it’ll be fresh in everyone’s mind then as well.
The type of bandages doesn’t matter, they all do the same thing with the ACE settings on the server.

Ah-ha, perfect for nubs like me to practice in their own time, and get an idea how the different components interact/work

I take it, rough order for one medic is?

  1. Tourniquet
  2. Bandage
  3. Insert IVs
  4. Remove tourniquets
  5. CPR if needed
  6. Then Epi once pulse/blood pressure close to norms?
Though I'm sure my first aid always says CPR first? ;D

If two supplying aid, one is CPRing whilst the other tourniquets/bandages?
I take it, rough order for one medic is?

  1. Tourniquet
  2. Bandage
  3. Insert IVs
  4. Remove tourniquets
  5. CPR if needed
  6. Then Epi once pulse/blood pressure close to norms?
Though I'm sure my first aid always says CPR first? ;D

If two supplying aid, one is CPRing whilst the other tourniquets/bandages?
I say check pulse/status first. That way you can give/call for CPR if needed but there is a risk of bleed out. The medic then makes a decision based on status, fatal blood loss etc. I’m guessing don’t bother with the 250 blood bag, 500 and 1000 only as 250 has little impact.... but it means less bags. We can call in a medical resupply, but we need a clearish LZ to not loose a heli.

Edit - perhapps resupply between engagements
As far as ACE medical settings go, you need to stop the bleeding - the bandages (any bandage) stop the bleeding and clear away any injuries.

There are four blood-loss stages - lost some blood (does not require transfusion), lost a lot of blood (requires transfusion), lost a large amount of blood (requires transfusion), lost a fatal amount of blood (requires a transfusion).

Most type of injuries will cause a black out due to shock. In some states, the player may wake up on his own. In other states, it requires medical assistance.

As far as CPR is concerned, always check pulse before doing it. If a player does not have pulse, do CPR 3-4 times in a row before checking the pulse.

Saline and plasma have no effect. Blood pressure has no influence on healing. Only the blood transfusions work.
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