ARMA2 Handy links



I thought we could gather in this thread any handy links that are Arma2 related .
I am looking for a place to get Arma II (either combined arms or Op Arrowhead) but all i can get from over here in NZ is a downloadable version. I would prefer a boxed version, nothing like holding it in your hands.

Any places where I can do that. I have been searching but nothing so far. :(
G'day All, My Birthdays coming up in early November and the family wants to know what I want. I'd like to get ARMA2 but don't know whether to get the standard version or Arrow Head. I'm running windows 7 if that makes any difference. I've downloaded the standard version demo but can't get it to work. Your advice on this would be great.

G'Day m8,

My advice, ask for Arma2: Combined Arms! ;) Its Arma2 and Arrowhead in one box. Check the website.

I had Arma2 installed, bought the expansion and installed it. Had the choice of installing onto Arma2 and now my shortcut says Arma CO.
Without the arma2, in arrowhead you only have the Takistani (afghanistan) maps and you also miss some units.

My advice would be that Arma:CO is the best bang for buck. You got everything then.
If thats not possibly, then go for Arrowhead. Later you can always buy Arma2 (its getting cheap here) and reinstall the lot so you get Combined Arms.

I run Arma on my laptop [Acer Aspire 8735G) with win7 no probs. What problem did you have with the demo?
Well i just got back from running round town looking for AA Combined Ops but nowhere had got it.
No sweat, like i've said before I've got Arrowhead v 1:54 with the BAF addon and I'm quite happy to stick that because its got loads of US/Brits/Germans/Czechs in it, plus enemy regulars, militia and assorted ragheads and a choice of hilly maps with nice wooded areas and towns in the valleys, or open desert maps.
Hell the enemy have got modern tanks and missiles and stuff so they're no pushover, so there's really no further addons I need anyway..:)

PS- hey Breaklight you've obviously been around the AA series for a while, so can you tell me how i can order my Abrams gunner to switch between sabot and HE shells, there don't seem to be a key for it?
I think you use the same key you change your firing mode with - usually it's the "F" key.
POS you can download ARMAII from Gamersgate etc.
I recommend it.

Just remind me again what AA2 Combined Ops will give me over and above what Arrowhead already gives me, so I can decide whether to buy it.
I don't fancy a download though, i'd much rather have a disc in my hands..
2 huge maps.

Same songsheet as me, Earl and BreakLight.

2 new campaigns.

Gamersgate is cool as it has a storage area for games you bought and you can go in time and agin over the years to redownload it and give it a blast. It doesnt expire and to be honest the disc once you install ARMAII isnt used.

Up to you though... let us know.

AARGH! I bought Arrowhead for £25 two weeks ago so I could join you guys in multiplay, then Bootie talked me into getting the Brit addon for another £8, and now you're telling me that's STILL not enough and that I've got to fork out yet more cash for AA2 Comb Ops!!!
Groan.....okay i'll see if i can find the download link and try to d/l it later while i'm watching the Apprentice..
Gents Listen up!

The versions go as followed

1> Arma2 - Plain old Arma2 with Chenarus whachamacall it land. Good map for the all out green eastern europe east v west style war.

2> Arma2 Operation Arrowhead. Standalone if you dont have Arma2. (the afghanistan Irak maps)

3> Combined Operations - This is Arma2 AND Arma2 Arrowhead in one package. See it like a GOLD edition all one package.

4> And the BAF addon, which says it all ready, its an addon!.

Now, in the case of POS, look for Arma2. Their going cheap because of Arrowhead ;).

Then, uninstall your AO, install Arma2.
Then you install AO.
Then you patch up to 1.54
... and Bingo!

POS has combined arms, with an update so that he can play online with us REGARDLESS if we're running the BAF mod or not! ;)

I hoop i make some sense here??
But I'v been saying this before

Well i just got back from running round town looking for AA Combined Ops but nowhere had got it.
No sweat, like i've said before I've got Arrowhead v 1:54 with the BAF addon and I'm quite happy to stick that because its got loads of US/Brits/Germans/Czechs in it, plus enemy regulars, militia and assorted ragheads and a choice of hilly maps with nice wooded areas and towns in the valleys, or open desert maps.
Hell the enemy have got modern tanks and missiles and stuff so they're no pushover, so there's really no further addons I need anyway..:)

PS- hey Breaklight you've obviously been around the AA series for a while, so can you tell me how i can order my Abrams gunner to switch between sabot and HE shells, there don't seem to be a key for it?

When in the commanders position, you press 'F' which is your weapon selectio key. When commander, this will tell your gunner to load the next munitions. Watch the screen top right, you will see that you have to maybe scroll thru your ammo til you get the one you want.
Hope it helps
When in the commanders position, you press 'F' which is your weapon selectio key. When commander, this will tell your gunner to load the next munitions. Watch the screen top right, you will see that you have to maybe scroll thru your ammo til you get the one you want.
Hope it helps

Nah mate, all the 'F' key does for me is to order the gunner to switch between the main gun and the co-axial MG, there seems no way to tell him to use Sabot or HE, he always uses Sabot the dozy git..

PS- And another thing, when I order "Suppressive Fire" against suspected enemy positions (area-fire) why does nobody fire?

HEY GUYS, I've decided not to get AA2 because it's too much hassle, so I'm sticking with Arrowhead v 1.54 with BAF addon, just carry on without me..:)
Aah sry mate, mis understood your question there.

To order the gunner to load other munitions is for me:
Center mouse wheel, which brings up scroll menu on screen left center. (where you also get the options exit vechile ect)
On that menu scroll down (for me with center mouse wheel) and then you should get an option "Reload HE blah blah"
When its high lighted, click.
You should hear yourself giving the order to your gunner and him giving an ok! ;)

As for suppressive fire? Hmm dunno, havenmt tried that yet. New for me too in Arma.

In afghanistan we would let loose with every weapon systeem we had! hihi Always a nice aggressive fireworks show what with all them tracers and big bangs :)
HEY GUYS, I've decided not to get AA2 because it's too much hassle, so I'm sticking with Arrowhead v 1.54 with BAF addon, just carry on without me..:)

I say No worrys mate! Lets keep the mission making to OA+BAF?
I say leave no man behind!
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