Armchair General presents Combat Mission Normandy Tactics Episode III



Key Principles of the Attack: Using two different battles—one from the American perspective, one from the German—the third tutorial in this series illustrates the concept of Find and Fix the enemy, then Destroy him by identifying and exploiting a weak spot. Covers use of engineers, artillery and Target Reference Points, calculating line of sight, probing, and making the best use of your most valuable assets, be they copious amounts of ammunition or Panther tanks.


In this third video on Combat Mission tactics, we finish our instruction on how to attack through two example battles. We outline the basic principles of the attack, and then go to cover many important points in detail, like the use of Target Reference Points, and calculating line-of-sight from different movement points.

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Beautifully done sir!

RedBravo65 3 days ago in playlist Armchair General Combat Mission Normandy Tactics

Very nice video. I really enjoyed this one. You nailed all the nuances there are in conducting a successful attack with combined arms. I'm very much looking forward to your defensive tactics video.

1TTMR 3 days ago

Great stuff!

Battlefrontcom 3 days ago

@SALordBaxter Yes, the next video will be on how to plan a defense in depth.

ltcjpaulding 3 days ago

Nice. Well done sir. That last one seemed really tough. Especially against a human mind. Never the less, you won the day.

royalpain88 4 days ago

great video as always :)

ilboche 4 days ago

Will we be getting a video on how to plan a tactical defense in depth? I'm an expert on tanks and tank tactics but my infantry expertise is quite lacking...

SALordBaxter 4 days ago

That was great. Thanks for your vids. The narrative is very informative. Covered arcs are a bit problematical in movement conjunctions alright. Movement orders around bridges can also deliver tactical surprise outcomes.

horsensscope 4 days ago

Great! Iam a huge fan of your series. I hope this series will cover much more topics.
That guy who does those videos for the Armchair General really does do a superb job. I bet he'd be tough in a PBEM match.
this is really , really well done, quick and efficient :)
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