Armor Tactics



Please excuse this question from a newbie, but even though I've played many CMBB and BA scenarios, I haven't been able to get the armor tactics down.

Here's my question:

If I have a platoon of five M4's, is it better to split up the tanks or use them in a formation to maximize their firepower? I'm currently playing "Huzzar" and I'm getting my butt kicked by the Panthers and StuG's. i could use a bit of advice.
First thing, read any and all books on WWII tactics....what worked in real life, will work in CM.
Second, never lead with armor...thats what infantry and scout vehicles are for.
Third, look hard at the battlefield, decide where your enemy will deploy and move to and plan according your kill zones/defenses.
All plans will failed in contact with enemy, but an overall plan, good or bad is better than none.
Fourth, keep a mobile reserve, normally I keep about 1/4 of my starting force in the rear, to counter my opponent moves.
Fifth, as for massing and deploy singly, tank are just a part of your overall force....remember combined arms.
Lastly each country has it strengths and weakens, learn them and play to them.
Welcome to FGM and good luck.

First thing, read any and all books on WWII tactics....what worked in real life, will work in CM.
Second, never lead with armor...thats what infantry and scout vehicles are for.
Third, look hard at the battlefield, decide where your enemy will deploy and move to and plan according your kill zones/defenses.
All plans will failed in contact with enemy, but an overall plan, good or bad is better than none.
Fourth, keep a mobile reserve, normally I keep about 1/4 of my starting force in the rear, to counter my opponent moves.
Fifth, as for massing and deploy singly, tank are just a part of your overall force....remember combined arms.
Lastly each country has it strengths and weakens, learn them and play to them.
Welcome to FGM and good luck.

Thank you Lighthorse. I appreciate your advise. I agree that we never lead with armor. I slaughtered an opponent in CMBB "The Library" by sending fire teams through buildings to clear the AT teams in advance of my armor (he had no idea I'd do that). I ended my 12 years in the USMC and USMCR as an 0369 rifle platoon sgt, but never had any training in armor. In an infantry fight, I can usually hold my own, but as I said, armor is a different beast!

I do know that the Pz V has the advantage at range, but has trouble seeing close-up. I guess I'll just have to play some H2H to see how others play.
Semper Fi Bal! USMCRD San Diego...Class of 68...0311

Learned my armor tactics with the 40th ID (M). Best advise is to remain flexible, don't get stuck in a predictable way. Tactics will vary depending upon situation.
Also FGM's forum has a section on how CM2x works (tactics, artillery, armor, ets) check it out, and Facman's advise is very sound.
I searched the forums, where is this thread Lighthorse?
Semper Fi Bal! USMCRD San Diego...Class of 68...0311

Learned my armor tactics with the 40th ID (M). Best advise is to remain flexible, don't get stuck in a predictable way. Tactics will vary depending upon situation.
Right back to ya Facman! USMCRD Parris Island, "69." My four years as a regular was actually in the Air Wing as a 6054, F4 Phantom hydraulics / pneumatics mechanic. I didn't go "03" until I went to work for Boeing in Wichita, KS in 75, and joined the Reserves there. I love your location of "Ar-Kansas." We used to aggravate folks in that state by pronouncing our Big and Little Arkansas rivers that way.
Aha! That means we have 2 Airedales amongst us...Mad Mike was a Phantom fixer too.
Thanks for keeping the birds in the air for us, nothing like a Phantom screaming in to drop ordinance, to make a Grunts day a wee bit brighter.
Aha! That means we have 2 Airedales amongst us...Mad Mike was a Phantom fixer too.
Thanks for keeping the birds in the air for us, nothing like a Phantom screaming in to drop ordinance, to make a Grunts day a wee bit brighter.
Let us never forget; the only reason the support services exist is to support the 03! No matter how high-tech we become, it's still the Grunt who has to go in and dig em out. Armor, artillery, air, and naval gunfire exist only to help them to accomplish the USMC mission to "Seize and secure advanced Naval bases, and to defend them through fire and maneuver." I'm paraphrasing that mission, but no one is more important or more praise worthy than a "Grunt."
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