Armortek 1/6th metal models

A few hundred? Example: The mid-porduction Tiger E costs 5928,- when having all optional parts installed...

Would I buy me one some day (which is HIGHLY unlikely given my wife's attitude towards these), I'd stick to a German producer, though. But since I can't even finsih my 1/35 models, I don't need to even remotely contemplate anything in that direction. :)
I'd love to do this. I'd just have to find a place to store the finished piece as I doubt my wife would let me display it at home.
They'd make nice dog kennels parked in the garden, but you'd have to train the dog how to unbutton/button to get in/out
Fully drivable it look like too. Imagine war gaming that way. ;)
Those are meant to be driven around. You can even install a smoke dicharger and lasers to simulate tank battles. Usually you also install a loudspeaker for accurate engine and other assorted noise you associate with a tank in action.
Those are meant to be driven around. You can even install a smoke dicharger and lasers to simulate tank battles. Usually you also install a loudspeaker for accurate engine and other assorted noise you associate with a tank in action.

That would be great. I can see myself driving one down Main Street in my home town firing at people as I go.
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