Attention FGM'ers


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Just finished work and got home to find this email... at first I thought it was a wind up but after emailing back it has been verified as legit.
Hey guys,

I hope you don’t mind me contacting you…

I am currently working with the UK Channel History and upon reading your forum we thought you might be interested in this…

I am working on a TV show called WWII Lost Films, a series showing over 10 consecutive nights showing real accounts of the second world war, taken from serving citizens diary entries. Each episode is made up wholly of full colour footage shot during the war, a lot of which has never been shown on TV before.

History are holding an advanced screening of the first episode in the series at the Imperial War Museum in London on April 8th and I was wondering if any of your team would be interested in attending the event and perhaps posting about the show on your forum?

Do you think this is something that would interest you and your Blog readers, and would you be interested in attending to the event?

Let me know what you think and I’ll be able to give you all the details you need.

Thanks for your time,

So there you have it... I cant manage but if anyone else in or around London fancies representing the FGM drop me a mail for further details.
i have seen this program advertised on sky today,does look good.
That is way cool but this Texan will not be able to make it. :)
Me neither (for obvious reasons), but that IS cool. One of us should be there if possible. Seems we're really building up a reputation here, aren't we?
Well this Cancuk is unable to make it ...I have trouble with ocean swells over 10 feet in my canoe, even in calm seas it I would have to leave now in order to make a showing in late fall.
I am impressed that we are making a GOOD SOLID name for ourselves out there. Is there anyone one of us in London(england)? or close?
I say we send in POS. Unleash him as it were. I'm sure he will definetly put us on the map....
Lord Bane
We shoud have someone attending representing FGM's core - and only three guys come to mind: Bootie, Spike and Hedgehog. Either way, one of us should be there - woulkd greatly increase our reputation, I think.
Great to see the club's name getting out there and being recognized. A London trip is not in the cards for me, but I do hope that someone is able to attend and represent the rest of us.

Hope this program will also be available on this side of the pond.
Other sites (Armchair General and WW2 in Color) dismissed this as an April Fool and deleted their posts but I replied to the guy just to see and got this yesterday.

Hey Shane,

Here are some more details on the WWII Lost Films Screening... And a Press Release about the show is attached.

The screening will begin at 6:30pm at the Imperial War Museum in London - There will be drinks and nibbles and the show will commence at 7:30pm, it is 1 hour long. Tickets are on a Guest List basis so I would need the names of the people you wish to attend so that I can put them on the door.

Let me know if anyone can attend and how many,

Thanks Shane, have a good Easter,


That would be so good to got to, but the wife won't let me go to England right now. Something about them thinking we are all convicts, and beating us at the ashes in the cricket. There must be someone in FGM near London that can go.
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