


Last night i watched Avatar 3D. Great movie, nice story, nice effects, extremely good design of extra terrestrial flora and fauna and 3D effect is fantastic. Cameron did very good job.

Did anybody else watched it?
Well, i guess you cant expect very much of story in this type of movies. They are all more less similar. Bad corporation/army versus simple people with hero who know it's whats wrong and solving all problems :)
Anyway, i feel ok about that because i wasn't disappointed, like i was with to many movies in last few years...
A familiar story brings a comfort level to the audience making it easier for the director to present new things, such as the vehicle for the story, in this case CGI. As for the corporation/army against the people, it was cowboys and indians story. My middle son (16) called it Pocahontas in space. AND, he is a huge Cameron fan.
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