Average Number of ongoing CMBN games


Tyson Pearsall

Here's a question, just curious how many games -on average- you guys usually have going. Obviously games will start and stop and holidays and different times of the year may vary this number but I'm just curious to know what everyone plays on a regular basis. And of those games, how many of them are -small-medium-large-huge- scale engagements.

Currently I have 6 battles ongoing and of those I have:

2 medium
2 large
2 huge

At first I thought that was a lot of battles, but then I realized I take a long time to send back turns because I'm not quick at making my tactical decisions, I put a lot of analysis into my battles (which sometimes kills me in the end since I over think things) so my huge battles often take me at least 30 mins to observe the previous turn and then 15-30 mins to make my plans for my next turns. So I figured some of you CMBN veterans might have a lot more games going on than I do if you're quicker with your decisions and have a lot more combat (real or video game -or both-) experience and thus are able to make decisions off of past experience and instincts.
I have 5 battles going on at the moment. I usually do my turns in the mornings and if I have time in the evenings will do more. Today for example it took me 2 hours to do my turns on 5 medium battles and a Commander: World at war turn. So each turn averaged about 20 minutes and that's including loading times.
Maybe I should spend more time on my turns. Maybe I'll win one :eek:
Between 5 and 10 are my numbers. Right now I play 8 games (1 monster, 2 huge, 2 large, 3 medium sized). How many games I have running is mostly decided by the turn rate of opponents. The slower the turnrate overall, the more games I have going.
As for long it takes to plot my turns is also highly variable. Setup and force purchase takes a really long time on my side. Sometimes up to 2 weeks. Reviewing he map, thinking about strategy, rethinking the strategy, editing the force purchase and so on. After that many turns are now played on semi-autopilot. I guess experience play a huge role. About every 10 minutes I use to take some extra time reviewing the game and maybe adapt my strategy and restructure my forces (sometimes it's a holy mess and I have to enforce unit integrity :)). But of course as soon as the shit hits the fan and the battle is in full progress I also need way more time. Don't want to miss the fun from ground level :).
I have about 5 to 8 games most of the times. I try do as many turns I can depending my shifts.
I've only got one CMBN game going at the moment, but I'm in the middle of 5 RT PBEMs. Re turn length i depends largely on size of battle and point of battle. A huge battle can take anywhere between 5-10 minutes and 1 hour 30 minutes depending on how crucial a stage of the battle I'm at.
I have five CMx2 games going at the moment. Sometimes that can be as high as 8. More than that and I start forgetting what my strategies are without making lost of notes which takes the fun out of the game. My process is a lot like @Strachwitz.
I can divide my CMH list into two sections. I have 8 games that are currently ongoing, those get returns within hours - maximum a day late. You can tell all these games are all played by dedicated players, and these are definitely my most rewarding games. (You all know who you are).

I then have another 8 which are over 39 days awaiting a turn. It is really frustrating I think when you put in the effort and (often but not always) the enemy turn rate drops as your chances of a win rise. My thought is to keep chasing these opponents on a weekly basis to see if the games can be cleared. As I do like a tidy CMH box.

I saw @Hedgehog saying we can claim uncompleted games - is that true. Is there a house rule about ladder games which don't go the distance. I think maybe it wouldn't hurt to have something in place - or maybe just a name and shame section to try and keep things rolling. I think we all understand RL can kick in and I think with a heads up - everyone accepts those pauses, but sometimes it is just like completing the game - even if they just surrendered it becomes an inconvenience.

Hey Ho!
@Bootie Wow! So what is the process. Do I submit them to Fredrocker or what - how does it work -

Sorry this is probably detailed somewhere - just point me at the relevant section/notes.
Mm - Not sure that is my experience. I think many ladder games just disappeared. All my recent games I have only added and reported after we are finished. So theres the rub - you can't do that after someone disappears. Obviously I may have got this completely wrong, so I will bow to others with more experience, but certainly when I joined quite a few games just dropped off - hence the change of practise to report at the end.

I am also not sure about the auto report - unless you mean it will auto report after 21 days?
The result is kind of autoreported. If you report a win or loose the opponent must not confirm the result. It is autoreported after 24hrs.
My experiences are the same Richtig. Challenges frequently disappear after around 3 weeks or so. I also just issue challenges at the end of the battle or close to it and the result. So the problem remains as you can just report the game if your opponent accepted the challenge. And when there is no challenge and the opponents decided to go AWOL you can't get your result in. I contacted Fredrocker about this and some unreported games but for the last weeks he has some RL issues. I think he is the right guy to report unfinished games...
Ah @Strachwitz I think we are - Bruder von einer anderen Mutter

I am glad it is not just me - I have reported a game recently and it didn't auto report after 24 hrs so I am pretty sure that part isn't working...

I will wait till either Fredrocker is back all ok, or these opponents comeback to steal their victories...
:). That made me laugh! We definitely share many opinions and experiences for sure Richtig! But I hate you as Russian commander! Get of my hill with your billions of T-34!!! ;)

Sometime it takes a bit longer than 24hrs for the auto-result-report but with this part of the ladder I never had problems. The only problem that hit me often was the disappearing challenges problem.
Ha Ha - and I hate those King Tigers roaming over my Motherland! So we are equal!

It's a great game...
I only have 1 CMBN PBEM I've been playing with a friend for 1 yr and 4 months, now. We have about 25 minutes left in a 2 hr scenario. The max I can handle is two games at once.
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