Basic Training


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Trust me to miss this until I seen POS mention it.

How are you guys fairing in getting your green check boxes filled. Let us know how you can get on and we can compare basic training. :)

I just started but stopped to make a coffee... didn't realize I would have to do it all over again as I didn't save... doh!!

On the range and doing some first aid training.



Well I muddled through Boot Camp after about 16 hours total; each mission is a neat little mini-tutorial, they tell you which keys to press every step of the way and it's just a question of time before you get through, although I had to have more than one stab at some.
The Support mission was most fun, plastering a village with Arty and stuff..:)


PS- I made a few pages of notes during training, here's one of them, they'll come in handy because i'll have forgotten most of the keys by tomorrow,and these notes will save me having to go trawling through the manual, ha ha..:)
Basic training??

I just went straight online and learn as you fight i guess ;)
How you do screenshot POS? My printscreen button wont work in Arma??
I take AA screenshots in exactly the same way as in all other games- i hit the "Printscreen" key on my keyboard and save it to my PC.
Then later I open it with Irfanview and/or Paint to resize it, lighten or darken it etc, then upload it to Photobucket.
I pick up its code from there and post it in FGM..:)
Thats how it works for me as well, but for some reason the printscreen button wont work?? mmm
Hitting the Printcreen key on your PC should lock the screenshot into memory. You must then hit ALT TAB to shrink the AA screen so you can open your image program and put it into there. then go back to the game.


PS- Needless to say, even though I've completed the Boot Camp training missions, I'm nowhere near combat-ready because I wasn't getting shot at for one thing.
I'm going to work through the one-player scenarios next until I successfully complete each one without getting killed, it could be couple of weeks before I manage it.
Then I'm going to get into mission-building with the editor which will probably need another week or two..
No sweat, we retired guys have got all the time in the world because retirement is the worlds longest coffee break..:)
Hey, there's an 'Armory' in Arrowhead where you can try out weapons vehicles planes and helos, but most of them are locked down and I can't get my hands on them!
Apparently you have to unlock them by completing box missions to score 'unlock points', what a hassle, it could take forever (sniffle)
I made about everything - the helicopter stuff was pretty tricky at the start but after a while I got to grips with it. Still missing 'Basic Training' because I didn't manage MOUT yet. :tongue1:

Spike, question: The above screen is from 'Arrowhead', right? If so, there has been A TON of stuff added compared to basic ArmA.
Spike, question: The above screen is from 'Arrowhead', right? If so, there has been A TON of stuff added compared to basic ArmA.

Yes mate, there are so many addons and updates and expansions to the whole AA series that it's a mystery to me which is compatible with which version.
I'm going to stick purely with Arrowhead (updated to v 1.54) as far as possible because it contains a huge amount of different weapons, AFV's, vehicles, planes and helos and I don't really need any more toys, but I might get the British addon later..:)
(PS- I'm labelling all my screenshots 'AA2 ARROWHEAD' to avoid confusion with other versions)
Aha! I just found this over at the AA website to bypass the silly 'unlocking' thing..:)-

In your Arma2 profile there is a line that records your Armory points, hence you spend time in there, complete challenges, ect... your points go up. This line can be edited to a high number so everything is unlocked all the time, no need to type in command line codes.

The problem however is that there is no line in the OA profile, so it must be added. Here is the steps necessary to set it up.

NOTE: you will need to create a custom profile if you have not done so, only a custom profile can be edited. Just open Arma2, click profile and create a new one. Repeat for OA if needed.

Open your Arma2 profile with note pad, you can find it in... My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles. Find the line that says armoryPoints & change the value to 50000, it should look like this;


Now highlight this line and copy it, then click save & close.

Now open your OA profile, you will need to paste this line in the last section of code, just above the line that says difficultyMP="regular"; it will look like this below;


With the new code added for the armory, click save & close. Now fire up ArmA2 or OA and your Armory points or percentage will be maxed out & you can use anything there, this fix remains so no need to type in a code every time you want to use it, enjoy!
Arma in COOP mode, with a good squad and good comms, rocks! ;)

It's not just FPS, skills and drills plus tactics play apart in this game.
Not for nothing that the british army, US and i belive also the dutch use it for training. (Military version is called VBS.)
Dutch use it to train Leopard2 Tank crews.
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