Battalion Mass Drop




I snapped this picture right after exiting a C-141. We were jumping back into our base after a two month deployment to Panama.
Impressive pic

Was this training or did your battalion just like to make an impressive entrance? ;)
Impressive pic

Was this training or did your battalion just like to make an impressive entrance? ;)

Whenever we went on a major deployment we always jumped back onto our base. They let all the families come out and watch and made a big deal of it. Officers made speeches about how great we performed and all the civilians were duly impressed.
How many jumps do you have? Any of those jumps get you a star over your wings?

Nice picture - it remember me a little on the manoeuvre´s pictures of the NVA and the other Warsaw Pact armies we had to study on the high school.
You got me beat..only 33 static..5 civilian free stars....Did aot of fast roping in the 101st, but nothing glamourus in Iraq.
We were stationed in Savannah GA. When I first got to the unit my Company 1Sgt had a bum knee and couldn't jump on hard ground. In order to stay on jump status, once every three months he would get the rest of the pay hurts and get all the chutes that needed to be jumped before they had to be repacked and do water jumps off of Tybee Island. If there weren't a lot of guys who needed to jump he opened it up to anyone who wanted to go. Water jumps in UDT's and K pots, it was great. We jumped out of Blackhawks and there were zodiacs out in the water to pick us up. We jumped until the chutes were gone. I did this a few times and was able to get 5-6 jumps a day each time I did it.

I'd hate to know how much it cost for us to do this!
holy crap....helo jumps into water...on cyce for 5 to 6 jumps...I wish I could have got in on that...Didnt know thaere was that much jumping going on at Hunter AAF
holy crap....helo jumps into water...on cyce for 5 to 6 jumps...I wish I could have got in on that...Didnt know thaere was that much jumping going on at Hunter AAF

This was in 1986. Hard to believe it was almost 25 years ago.
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