Battleships in CM???


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
During my homework I found an old paper sheet with promotion of CM on it. And there I can see a vessel - a destroyer or some similar. :RpS_blushing: Now my question: Is it a fake? Or is it possible to chose ships in CM? Would be interesting.

Would also be nice to know if you picked planes or not and how many sorties they have left, a la Close Combat.
The only boats I know of are assault boats.
Lord Bane
There's naval artillery in the game but only usable with a FO like everything else... Possible to scan that sheet and show it to us? Would like to take a look at it.
@Earl: Yeah, should be no problem. But could need a little time because I´ve no scanner. Have to go to a friend first.

That gotta be a mistake. They people responsible for that advertisement did something wrong. There never were (and most likely never will be) any modelled ships in CM.
I used this method to get "ships" and naval bombardment in a scen I made ages ago by placing bits of land in the sea, then put buildings on them to look like ships superstructure and turrets, then crammed them with heavy arty spotters and hoped the enemy wouldn't shoot at them..:)

That is what mose people do actually - have seen that in a few other scenarios as well. Only problem is that most of the time those ships are much closer to the "coast" than they'd be in real life. But concessions have to be made all the time in CM...
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