Blitz Scenario of the Month: Dec 2015



Hi all,

As subject says the Blitz is running it's "Scenario of the Month" again, details via this link

I am aware that many people here are also members at Blitz (and that some don't like that site), so this is simply a one-off heads up to get people playing. Hope no-one minds (not that I care ;) ) Come on over and get your butts whipped :)

of interest to a few poeople here will be that this is part of a system trying to gain data on scenarios to see how good they are for H-H fights.

Please feel free to come over and get a game (CMBN and CMFI this month)

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- Greetings gentlemen,
The CMx2 Blitz ladder is testing each month a couple of scenarios. The goal is to determine how well balanced they are for H2H play. The scenarios tested this month are:
CMBN: CW Breaking the Panzers
CMFI: Caltagirone H2H
If interested, please post here specifying which of the above scenarios you wish to playtest.
For those of you unfamiliar on how the SotM works, you can see the guidelines here:

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