Blitz Scenario of the Month

Greetings all,(even you Panzer Lehr, who beat me to this post :()

The blitz (A great wargaming site btw, who even let me play sometimes ) is running a scenario of the month for years now, April's is up and includes CMFB
. I've played many odf these in last 18 months or so and have always found their players to be courteous and prepared to fight to the end. A great bunch of people (well yes my win/loss ratio IS better on their ladder, why do you ask :rolleyes:)

More details below (including this link to main SOTM page) but the idea is to play some scenarios against random blitz members and report back on their suitability for H2H play, a useful resource for everyone and a great chance to meet some serious players.Hell some of those people are even nicer than me :)

------ start extract
Three scenarios will be tested, one being from the newest addition to the CMx2 series: Final Blitzkrieg
The scenarios tested this month are:
CMBN: MG - Out on a Limb
CMFI: GL - The Forrest of Wild Beasts
CMFB: Cutline to Grosshau

end extract -----
Yeah, but here is nicer.

They don't socialise as much anywhere else, (and where else could I get my neck rubs if not here). In fact I've always found most wargaming (and pc gaming in general) sites much more aggressive, partisan and unwelcoming when compared to this place. Strange, we seem to have got a Bossman who has managed to get the right balance of geeky, nerdy, social characteristics all at once. :p

Guess we owe Bootie a cheer and a beer :cheers: (he's a scotsman, how the hell does he get to be nice to us english people?, - shush my precious - he's being nice..... o_O )

btw THANKS Bootie

(Well that should keep me in the clear for a few more months, Time to go and wind someone up .... TA TA..)
Well, ermmmmmm, that was humiliating :oops: (NOT, we is never wrong, we is misunderstood)

Well my apologies to all Scots (both living and otherwise), :p Anyways Bootie is a credit to the nation of Wherever-the-hell-he-comes-from, better Bootie? :)

As I was saying Bootie is a credit to the County/Irish/Celtic/European nation he self identifies with; and we should be proud he's such a sport :D (I think I got away with it this time mother ;))

(Translation : Please, please don't ban us, pleeeeeeaaasssse, we'll do anything,.......... well maybe not that, not again?????)
The FGM is a more casual / social club with the following goals...

- Robust historical discussion.
- A love of wargaming.
- The Unofficial home of the Kate Upton appreciation society.
- Acknowledge the mant talents of Taylor Swift.

(Also need to head a bit west for Bootie's birthplace)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Pairing is done (oooh Missus!!!), check out Blitz to see who you're playing (time to check whether you've got a tough opponent or me :cool: )
Any of you folks here have access to the people who run the Blitz? I'd really enjoy checking out some of these scenarios y'all talk about, but for some reason the Blitz thinks I have a corporate IP address and every time I try to access anything on their page I get a message saying I have been banned. One time I was still able to access their contact info and I sent an email asking about this situation, never received a reply and then next time I tried to visit i was banned from even accessing their contact or help info.

I just think its weird. Rest assured I am no corporation.
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