[BOOK REVIEW] Blindsight

@Hardradi I've read a couple of those and enjoyed them. As for Blindsight, I have to take it in small chunks. It's heavy Sci-Fi, and the author uses a lot of big words and big concepts. I'm about 3/4 through it now and had to take a break while wife & I took a beach trip. For that, I loaded the most recent two Jack Reacher novels on my Kindle. :)
@Hardradi I've read a couple of those and enjoyed them. As for Blindsight, I have to take it in small chunks. It's heavy Sci-Fi, and the author uses a lot of big words and big concepts. I'm about 3/4 through it now and had to take a break while wife & I took a beach trip. For that, I loaded the most recent two Jack Reacher novels on my Kindle. :)

I have read the first Reacher book, my wife recommended it to me. I liked it but havent gone back for more yet. The TV Series was good as well.

I have Blindisght on the list but there is just so much to read and do.
Blindsight does sound interesting, and I do like the scientific explanation of vampirism.
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