Boosting Framerate



Maybe similiar thread was already here, so excuse me if this was already discussed, but I couldn't find it.

It is not big of a issue, I have Lenovo Y50-70 (i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz, 8GB Ram and Geforce 860M) and I noticed last day when I was playing Fortress Italy a massive fps drop. Sure, it was snowing and it was Large Quick Battle on Small map (so lot of units I guess). During deployment of my units (as they are close and bundled together), I had like 15 fps, later in the game is fps more like 50 during close ups, when I scan the whole battlefield, it's like 20 again.

Isn't there a way how to stabilise your fps? Should I clock CPU, because I think CM games are more CPU stressed rather than GPU.

Also, it's not big of a deal, I hear that many people have high-end PCs and are not able to get the games run without staggering, but I've seen many people on Youtube also to have completely fluent game no matter what's happening.

Thanks for your replies.
@Nathangun you really proved that by posting the same thing twice :D

Check this thread since you have Nvidia
There are more of those over att .
Though you will never get stable FPS, they will always fluctuate, but settings can make a significant change.

Thanks, tried that, but no difference. I have the feeling that framerate fluctuations have no basis in GPU, but rather CPU.
Still, I guess it's normal. It happens when there is a huge ammount of infantry in point of view or when you really zoom out.

But I guess thats something all have to get used to In CM.

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Hey @anal_rodeo ... how much RAM do you have on the nVidia 860M... is it 4GB or 8GB (optional) and what resolution are you running on your screen??? ... Also do you have it using an extended memory via a Swap Space of a Hard Drive...???

EDIT - Try turning off Shaders within the Game... 'Alt-R'
I already tried shaders, no effect. I think I have 8GB and I'm running 1920x1080, desktop resolution. Even much lower resolutions don't make difference.

I have just regular HD with plenty of space. My CPU temperature during lowest FPS with huge ammount of infartry is around 50 Celsius.

The same goes for Battle For Normandy, but I think that goes better.
The game is totally playable but maybe there is a way to overcome this, because my laptop is way over recommended system.

It never bothered me untill I saw some Youtube videos of game being COMPLETELY fluent.

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@anal_rodeo are you using a laptop? I use a laptop and noticed that CM would regularly cause it to overheat, which would in turn cause the framerate to drop dramatically. To solve the problem I bought a laptop fan base (sorry can't remember what the technical name for them is). The base has made a big difference in helping to keep the laptop cool while playing CM which in turn helps to keep the framerate up.

If you're using a laptop (or any CPU for that matter) and notice it gets hot while playing CM the likelihood is the overheating is causing the framerate to slow.
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